Toddler Tells Mom She Hears Monsters in Her Bedroom. Beekeeper Discovers Over 50,000 Bees in the Wall

Oh-oh, here we go with the bee jokes (or aphorisms).

I’ll start. Bee healthy, eat your honey.

They took photos and showed me, but I didn’t ask for a copy. So I have no photos.

I also looked at the stain on the wall, where the nest was attached, and considered photographing that for evidence of its enormousness. But i never did, and now that wall has been filled with foam insulation (as per code on upgrades), so i don’t expect it will happen again.

Bee-Movie: The Revenge!

“For the last time, Ashley, there are no bees in your walls! This time of year they’ll all be in your mattress.”

All of the folks talking about salvaging the honey from the hive after the bees are evacuated: Aren’t there a bunch of different kinds of bees, and only a few varieties are practical for producing honey? I would have thought that most random, uncultivated hives of bees would produce only a small amount of usable honey, or honey of low quality, or whatever.

I’ve been assuming that we’re talking about honeybees. That’s what usually makes that sort of hive.

There are indeed lots of species of bees, which generally don’t accumulate enough honey (if any) to interest humans in running off with it.

If no one else is going to do it, I’ll start the song.

“50,000 bees in the wall, 50,000 bees…”

Bee it ever so bumble, there’s no place like comb.

I once had a swarm of bees in a tree in my yard. When they didn’t show any sign of moving along after a couple of days, I called a beekeeper, who was happy to come and remove them for free. He even gave me a jar of honey in exchange for the bees. He said it was a small swarm, “only” about 5000 bees. I also learned that bees are not very dangerous when swarming because they have no hive to protect. While collecting them, he wore a hat and veil but no other protective gear. He just smoked them a little and then knocked them down into a box. I guess if they’ve established a hive in your walls, it’s a lot trickier to remove them.

Yup. If there’s a swarm right near your house, call a beekeeper, quick. Not because the swarm’s dangerous – it isn’t unless you reach into it and start attacking bees – but because that swarm is looking for someplace to live. You don’t want them to find a crack in your house and decide that that looks like a good place.

Ok, I’m never going on a road trip with you…:smirk:

This Texas bee lady almost never uses any protective equipment at all. I think the calm video voice she uses must also work on the bees- she ASMRs them into a stupor :honeybee::sleeping:

If you like bee stories, I highly recommend Honeyland.
I thought it was excellent, but beeware - it’s quite sad.

Yeah I am assuming they were European honey bees if it was copious amounts of honey. Other bee species do make honey, not all, tho, but the ones that invade a wall and set-up shop, with the combs and honey are the standard Euro variety, I bee-lieve. :grin: