Tom Baker, the Fourth Doctor, is Ninety Years Old

Happy ninetieth birthday Tom, you definite article, you.

I’m truly happy to see you live this long. And to speak absolute truth, I never thought you would.

For so many happy hours of my life that you gave me, I salute you. May you see many more years.

Have a jelly baby.

My favorite Doctor as a kid. Kind of a hammy actor though. Despite this, perfect as the Doctor: 1 part Gandalf and 1 part Sherlock.

Still my favorite Doctor! And still producing audio works for the BBC as well.

“You’re a beautiful woman, probably.”

I had to admit a few years ago, David Tennant passed him for me.

Baker was my first Doctor, as well, watching re-runs of his shows on the local PBS station in '82 or '83. My first girlfriend knitted one of his scarves for me, and I still have it.

Our local NPR station was giving Tom Baker-Dr Who scarves as swag for donations one year - sadly, at a time when I could not afford the minimum donation level. But years later, I got one as a Christmas present! I still treasure it.

Oh, me too (not the scarf). I cut my Doctor teeth on Baker’s Doctor, and none of the other early doctors came close. I sadly stopped watching after trying to digest a few episodes with that pretty boy in the cricket outfit.

I have to admit that all the re-boot Doctors have been excellent, up through Capaldi. I didn’t like the woman Doctor, not because she was a woman, but because I could not understand what anyone was saying, including her.

I saw a piece of a cartoon where the 4th Doctor (Baker) meets the 10th Doctor (Tennant). The voices were those of Baker and Tennant.

At the end of it, as 4 heads back to his Tardis, he asks 10 if he can give him any hints as to what will happen to him. 10 says, That’s not allowed. 4 replies, Well, we’re not really big on the rules anyway, am I? 10 says, True. In that case, you find yourself a lady, settle down for a bit, and get a dog. 4 says, Well, if you don’t want to tell me…

Although David Tennant is an excellent Doctor, Tom Baker was my favourite. He felt … alien!

Here’s a marvellous bit from my favourite ever episode (and I’ve watched them all, starting with Hartnell :sunglasses:)

The Eleventh Doctor Meets The Curator (Tom Baker) | The Day of the Doctor | Doctor Who (

Speculation exists that this could be the David Tennant Doctor that retired in our last episode.

Tom Baker was my second doctor, but my favorite, too. None of the immediately subsequent ones interested me.

Sylvester McCoy was quite good.

He was very good, but the writing was crappy at that point. I feel like the same thing happened to Capaldi.

Poor Jodi never had a chance with the worse show runner ever.

He was the first Doctor I saw. Later I saw numbers 2 and 3. Went on to Davison and #6, and haven’t seen the rest.

I liked what he was quoted as saying about the role. After playing Rasputin and and evil wizard in a Sinbad movie he said the only roles he was getting to look at were blue eyed maniacs. So he worked regular jobs for a while, then got the Doctor.

The scarf-wearing Doctor was - as I recall - the only one PBS showed in the 70’s. If later on they showed other Doctor’s to me it’d have been as if there were other Bionic Men.

I did watch the revival show from Eccleston through much of Tennant who I would have to say is the best one.