Tom DeLay, you fucking twit!

From today’s Chicago Tribune:

Sorry to start yet another Elián thread but I really had to put this one in the Pit. Nobody but a moron could possibly believe Elián wasn’t given WAY more chance of staying in the US than your average illegal immigrant. (That’s aside of course from the fact that in no sense could this six year old boy, whose mother took him with her to follow her smuggler boyfriend, have been said to be “seeking American freedom”.) Oi Tom, how much effort have you made to help all those ILLEGAL MEXICANS remain in your home state?

I am, as I’ve posted on numerous occasions, very pro-immigration. Hell, I’m an expat myself. And if Elián wants to go back to the US when he’s old enough to make that decision, best wishes to him. There’s a thread on immigration now in GD if anyone wants to argue this point. I just had to come here and rant because the rank hypocrisy and ludicrousness (is that a word?) of DeLay’s statement just makes my blood boil.

Heheh… there was a really good “This Modern World” strip a while back, which showcased the two extreme sides of the Elian issue pretty well, I thought… sorry if this link has been posted before.

Ruadh, you’re missing the point with regards to Elian. If he claimed asylum, then by law he should stay. If a Mexican gets across the borders and claims asylum, he shouldn’t stay. Why? Well, mostly, the difference between Mexico and Cuba. Cuba is considered a hostile nation, and different rules apply.

Anyone who thinks Elian is going back to Cuba to “be with his father” is a fucking moron. Little Elian is going to be spending years in “quarantine”, and going through detox and brainwashing to get all memories of “oppressive American freedom” out of his system. In short, by sending him back to Cuba, we’ve basically killed the young boy.

SPOOFE, and to think I thought you had sense. Elian is six years old. He did not choose to become an illegal immigrant. He is under the jurisdiction of his father, who prefers to live in Cuba. The point is not whether it is better to live in Cuba or the US, the point is that a child should be with a parent unless they prove to be unfit. As Elian’s father has shown himself to be a good parent, there is no reason they should be separated. Period. End of story.

If you’re really so upset about young children not experiencing the wonderful freedom of America, I’m sure there are some Chinese tourists visiting the US who have some kids you can kidnap and save from their evil communist nation.

Ruadh is right, Rep. DeLay is an idiot.

You don’t know much about the law, do you? One’s claim to asylum is based upon one’s personal risk of persecution, not our general view about one’s country. In practice admittedly it doesn’t always work out that way, but “by law” different rules do not apply.

Are you seriously disputing this father’s love for and desire to be with his son? If so, have you got any evidence, other than him being a godless commie? :rolleyes:

Here is a story about the school which Elián would have been attending had he remained in Miami (that is, if he actually ever went back to school, having been driven out of it by the freakshow his relatives there made him the center of). Want to talk about brainwashing again?

I thought the conservative view was a little on the anti-immigration side. Where’s Pat Buchanon when you need him?

I wonder if they would make this kind of fuss if the kid were Hatian…

What are you smoking Spoofe?

A 6 year old cannot, in any way claim asylum.

So, you stop being a fucking moron, and realize that there isn’t some fucking huge conspiracy reprogram this poor, cute, capitalistic(his uncle’s doing), little immigrant child back to a horribly oppressive and abusive nation. He’s way too high-profile for something as amazing as that to happen. Plus, his old man’s been here a while too, and he’d have to disappear for some of those “treatments” you’re talking about.

Lay off the smack SPOOFE.
