Tom Landry is the third death in the death trifecta...

Scary ain’t it…

Any othe examples the teeming millions might not know about?

“Tell me and I’ll forget; Show me and
I may remember; Involve me and I’ll
understand.” - Old Chinese Proverb

Dear God…

There is a fourth. So sad.
Goodbye for real Charlie Brown. May you romp around your heaven. Thank you for the many smiles you brought to our lips.

And is it not ironic that he died today, when his last ever original strip ran?
We’ll miss you, Sparky. :frowning:

Thanks, Abner, for the link. I didn’t know till now. By all accounts he was a totally nice guy. That’s the highest of praise in my book.
What perfect timing, eh Charlie. You’ve been there all my life, bringing many smiles and plenty of belly-laughs. Thanks.

I only know two things;
I know what I need to know
I know what I want to know
Mangeorge, 2000

Moved to MPSIMS.

Livin’ on Tums, vitamin E and Rogaine

3 old farts die out of god knows how many that you dont know about and its some conspiracy

“There is a fourth”? My dear Mr. Normal, despite your involvement in the discussion you demonstrate a lack of understanding of the trifecta concept. (A hint: the prefix is tri-.)

As for you OJ; shoo.

I’m a loner, Dottie … a rebel.

Its just that I was shown the Charles Schulz obit just as I was posting the “third” in the tri (meaning 3) fecta. Did not want to burden the board with another topline post.

It might look like I was running up my post count

<h6>Cha ching</h6>

“Tell me and I’ll forget; Show me and
I may remember; Involve me and I’ll
understand.” - Old Chinese Proverb

Is it posible you missed reading about the deaths of Jim Varney and Doug Henning?

They were where the first two of the death tri (meanin 3) fecta.

“Tell me and I’ll forget; Show me and
I may remember; Involve me and I’ll
understand.” - Old Chinese Proverb