Tom Waits is going on tour

Tom Waits Glitter and Doom Tour

The tour dates so far:

June 17- Phoenix, Orpheum
June 18 - Phoenix, Orpheum
June 20 - El Paso, Plaza Theatre
June 22 - Houston, Jones Hall
June 23 - Dallas, Palladium
June 25 - Tulsa, Brady Theatre
June 26 - Saint Louis, Fox Theatre
June 28 - Columbus, Ohio Theatre
June 29 - Knoxville, Civic Theatre
July 1 - Jacksonville, Moran Theatre
July 2 - Mobile, Saenger Theatre
July 3 - Birmingham, Alabama Theatre
July 5 - Atlanta, Fox Theatre

Now if only he’d get closer to the northeast than Columbus, Ohio. I can’t figure out where to buy tickets, either.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease add a Boston date, Tom!

I once sold Tom Waits some books. He lives in the area where I grew up and he would come into the bookstore where I worked.

Feel free to be impressed that I can work a cash register, even for famous people.

I saw him in Louisville last year. Start rearranging your life now so you can make it to one of these shows.

His news conference. Am getting excited about the “from Spain to Dublin” comment. Hope (if that bit is true at all) that the constellation sends him through England.

Oh Goddamn!
Tom Fucking Waits Is Going To Be In Birmingham, Alabama.

I drove from Orlando to Atlanta and back the same night when Waits toured two years ago, and it was the best concert I’ve ever attended and one of the greatest experiences of my life. Of course, I’m a colossal Tom Waits fan, and I never thought I’d get a chance to see him live. Now I’m just floored I’ll be able to see him again, only two years later! Once tickets go on sale, I’ll do whatever I can to get to that Jacksonville show, and thankfully it’s a lot closer than Atlanta.

Now if only I had friends with the interest level to shell out $80 and drive 9 hours to Columbus with me. I want to go so bad but I’m not sure about doing this by myself.

It was 8 hours from Orlando to Atlanta (and did I mention straight home after the concert?), and I did it all by myself. None of my other friends like Tom Waits, nor do they care enough about any living musician to embark on a trek like that for a mere concert. Even my girlfriend already said she’s going to sit this one out if I go to the Jacksonville show (since it’s 3 or 4 hours away and she isn’t a fan).

My point? GO. Do it. Go alone, have an adventure, chat up other Waits fans once you get there. You’ll totally regret missing him.

I’m going! Turns out my friend and two of his friends were planning to make the trip. The Columbus tickets sold out in less than 10 minutes. I got orchestra row O… my buddy who got his tickets a minute later got rear balcony row Z.

I am so excited.