Tonight I am releasing three huntsman spiders in the lab

I used to be the general manager and curator of an exotic pet store. We carried a lot of invertebrates as well as reptiles and amphibians.

Aargh, he said the word I cannot hear :wink:

as far as the grammatical error, I blame coffee (either too much, or not enough, I’m never sure which…)

Just to connect the last few remaining dots on thsi nightmare for me: can these giant tarantulas make any sound? Leg-rubbing sounds would be bad, but a vocal apparatus would be worse.

Anyone? :frowning:

They have been known to lurk on the edge of groups of humans. Listening. Then, they will imitate the sound of your name to lure you into the darkness.

Yes I am kidding.

I agree with your entire post.

Stupid bird eating spider is going to give me nightmares and I’m not even afraid of spiders.

As an interesting piece of trivia, “Itching Powder”, sold in joke shops, is mostly tarantula utricating hair, most likely sourced from the more docile tarantulas like the Pinktoe tarantula and the Chilean Rosehair tarantula, as their hairs are less irritating

If the OP is serious, it’s a bad idea; if the OP is joking, it’s a bad idea.

Thread closed.

Thread opened.

Moved from IMHO to MPSIMS.

Yay, fight the power!

Okay, sorry guys, but I had to delay my spider ambush for a day. One of them did successfully escape so I had to try to track it down before I brought them in. I still haven’t found it, but what harm could a loose spider do in my small apartment?

Oh, and I decided that even though I only have three spiders, my farewell note from work would indicate that I left six. Ha!

As a matter of fact…they do.


[runs screaming, esp. after looking at the bird eating spider]

Dude, I like spiders but if I saw that mofo behind a clock in my office, I’d be out the door so fast I’d leave warp trails.

Different species, but here’s a lovely video/audio of a horny spider: Jumping Spider Mating Ritual With Super Audio

I read that when he was in high school, Chris Farley released 3 pigs into his school and painted the numbers “1”, “2”, and “4” on them. Brilliant!

Well, I would have to move or burn it to the ground.

This is really funny. Evil, but funny.