Tonight, OMD and El Perro Fumando Wed!

After more than our fair share of the BS leadup drama a sampling), we have made it to the wedding day. My mother hasn’t had a heart attack, the other wedding was a pretty benign non-event, and our registry is nearly empty.

Aside from the weather disagreeing with us (stupid rain moving the ceremony from the sundeck to inside!), it’s all in pretty good shape. The men have their tuxes, the women their dresses, the officiant his lines, we our rings, license, and all that. We’re set.

My only worry is that the weather that’s going to make us adapt tonight is part of a stalled front that looks, early on, like it will sit on top of our honeymoon all next week. Og I hope we get SOME golf in.

I hope your wedding goes without a single problem, and that your married life continues in the same way! Congratulations!

Congratulations on the wedding. (Although, I confess to a certain amount of consternation(?) bemusement(?) alarm(!?) regarding a honeymoon in which the availability of golf appears to be of primary concern.)

Congrats! I do hope you’ll find something to do on your honeymoon if the golf thing is a bust…

Well, you need to do something that you can show pictures to the parents.

Yeah, my in-laws didn’t appreciate the honeymoon video we gave them as much as we expected they would.

And congrats to the happy couple!

I guess they didn’t appreciate the sheep!

Like you weren’t thinking it
Congrats to you both!

You know, Hal is going to be 97 in the future and we’re still going to be making jokes about this…

Oh, and congratulations. smooch :slight_smile:

We’s hitched!

Congratulations! May the two of you ummm… I was goin’ for something golfy here but I’m stumped… ummm… always be under par together. I think that makes sense.

I’d have thought you had entered the links.

(Just remember the purported exchange between Johnny Carson and Mrs. Arnold Palmer.)

Paraphrased from a friend’s card:

“May you have a life full of happiness and lower handicaps.”

Ironic. Soon, you’ll be looking for an excuse to go and golf.

Good luck and congrats anyways on the funeral…er…wedding!

OK, so I’m a little slow, but for those who care, here’s the happy couple

I forgot to caption - OMD is on the left, and I am on the right


You two look absolutely gorgeous. May y’all both have a long and happy life together.

I figured you’d be pretty, but OMD is a lot more normal looking than I had guessed :slight_smile:

Just kidding, you two make a lovely couple. Best wishes for years of happiness together.

You’re a beautiful couple. Although not nearly as spanish-looking as I expected, but I think that was mostly because of EPF’s username. :slight_smile:

:: snif ::

Weddings always make me go all teary-eyed. A stab of love and hope in the darkness and all that… :slight_smile:

Inigo Montoya: I hate waiting. I could give you my word as a Spaniard.
Man in Black: No good. I’ve known too many Spaniards.

That’s a great picture! (All wedding pictures should look that natural and sincerely happy!) Congratulations!