Tony Snow dies.

A disgusting position you take, and then when showered with near unanimous opprobrium you backpedal, contort, slither shuck and jive. Well, not this time, blackheart. Fuck you and the slug you rode in on. And seriously, you should see a psychiatrist. But you won’t. And I’m kinda glad. Living the remainder of your life as your low self seems to be the best justice that could be meted out. I just hope it’s a long one.

You know the press secretary doesn’t actually participate in setting policy, right?

Don’t you have a klan rally to go to?

Don’t worry, dawg. I ain’t backing off of shit. I don’t care what anybody thinks.

But he sells it. Snow knew he was selling lies running interference for criminal behavior. He could have quit. He chose to collaborate instead.

The man had two daughters and a son, who loved him. Jeezus, what the hell’s wrong with you, Dio?

Oh but you do. That’s why you somehow tried to insult me about going to a klan rally? :rolleyes: And that’s why you’re trying to defend yourself. So please, keep digging. I’d say that most other posters see this as a day any respect people—of both sides—might have had for you plummeted severely, never to be retrieved. You can’t see that right now, you think it’s just another disagreement, but you will. Eventually. And when you do, please remember that magellan01 was the one who foretold it. Okay, scumbag?

Nothing. I’m just not a hypocrite. I couldn’t stannd him when he was alive and I’m not going to pretend I feel sorry for him now. He doesn’t deserve any eulogies. He had kids? So what? So does Osama bin Laden.

Respect? That’s a laugh. I’ve never been respected around here.

I never got the impression Snow was a bad guy for a RW radio host (not like, say, Limbaugh), he was even a talented journalist in some ways, but as WHPS, trying to put a presentable face on the Bush Admin’s lies and crimes, he was waaaaay out of his depth. It’s like he was wearing this “What have I gotten myself into?!” expression every press conference. Which speaks rather well of him, when you think about it.

Everybody Dance Now!!! :smiley: :smiley:

How does this differ from what Diogenes the Cynic said? You want someone you disagree with to suffer as much as possible.

As for Mr. Snow, I liked him years ago. I thought he seemed more thoughtful and willing to discuss issues than most pundits. But that was before, I think, the money started flowing so freely to pundits. It’s harder to be a really big name in punditry without being easily digestible. So he became digestible. I won’t follow this analogy any further.

I think the same phenomenon can be seen on the internet. We can become parodies of ourselves and lose our capacity, or willingness, for thoughtfulness.

Yes, you have. I can personally guarantee that.

You are weary, brother, the struggle has taken its toll. Hatred constipates your karma, rots your soul. Time to back away. Pick wildflowers, watch a baby sleep, a little music, a little laughter.

If we hate them, we are them. Beware.

His job was to lie and apologize for the evil of his masters. To lie to me, in whose name the evil was being committed.

When he stopped doing that he went to Fox “News” to continue shilling for the souless morons in the White House.

The world would be a better place if the corrupt people in power couldn’t find anyone to stand before the public and try to justify their evil.

I think this administration has done some incredibly evil things, but this type of statement is, frankly, a bit psycho. The people who set policy and took the actions have a whole different level of responsibility than the people who supported them, whether by working for them in a lower level role or by voting/campaigning/arguing for them. The latter do hold the responsibility of aligning themselves politically with a group who caused significant harm to others, but they’re not “collaborators” and we shouldn’t wish painful deaths upon them. Doing so makes you look like a hateful lunatic.

30,000 posts and you’re only now beginning to recognize this? I got tired of this routine in 2002.

Two of the great risks in life are:
[li]Becoming what we pretend we are[/li][li]Becoming what we hate[/li][/ul]

ISTM that Snow may have succumbed to the first.

Dio appears to have succumbed to the second.

I got a nice Ron Ziegler vibe from the man.
He certainly didn’t have an enviable job, but he did it better than the man he replaced, or the woman that came after.

You leave Dana Perino alone! She tries so* hard*! And all you do is tear her down! You bastards! (sob)

I’m not going to back off of anything, but in light of 'lucy’s post, I’m going to drop out of this thread.

I* respect your posts on here (and if it is you posting on another forum with the same nick, there too), but sometimes you make it difficult. Posting intemperate sentiment like that is something you would expect to see on, say, the average Ted Kennedy thread on Free Republic. Is that how you want to be perceived? Do you really want to give a drooling moron like magellan01 ammunition?

  • Not that you know or care who I am, but still man, you’ve got a brain - just engage it a bit more consistently.