Top 200 Male Vocalists


I’ll admit a lotof them I have not heard of- and I am a bit surprised at the person at Number one.

It doesn’t say if the criteria is weighted. And I’m not sure how you would rate “influence” anyway.

However at least no Bob Dylan.

I like Mike Patton a lot, but #14???

He’s one I haven’t heard of :slight_smile:

I thought Jimmy Morrison may have been a bit higher- and also Roy Orbison.

Since it’s Rock vocalists, I can’t offer an opinion. And a list of Male Vocalists that doesn’t have Sinatra at the top (top ten anyway) is bogus. My opinion, and likely shared to some extent by the over-60 crowd.

Ah. Right. *Rock *vocalists. A more comprehensive list should include the wonderful Billy Murray (look him up on YouTube), the first best-selling male recording artist.

At least Chris Cornell and Geoff Tate get some deserved love. Rob Halford at 21? Eddie Vedder waaaay down the list?


I would have been surprised if that person wasn’t #1

Like all such lists, it’s pretty laughable. Geoff Tate better than Marvin Gaye? Axl Rose better than Prince? Mike Patton better than Stevie Wonder? Paul Rodgers better than Paul McCartney? James Hetfield better than Michael Hutchence? David Bowie better than Brian Wilson? The dude from friggin’ Survivor better than John Lennon? And on and on.

ETA: Smokey Robinson should have been top 5, easily.

Any list that puts Robert Plant and Steve Perry in the top 10 isn’t worth reading.

I agree; as I was clicking the link, I was saying to myself “Number 1 has to be Freddie.”

ETA: I would have put Marvin Gaye in the top 10.


Let’s keep in mind this is “Top 200 male vocalists” as listed by some random website. Who cares.

Also, I agree with the comments about Robert Plant. I love Led Zeppelin, but I’ve always held that they would have been 10 times bigger if they would have had Roger Dawltry (listed at 24) as a frontman instead of Plant. I think his voice was much better. Putting Robert Plant in spot 5 sounds like a case of “Everyone really likes Led Zeppelin so I’ll put Robert Plant near the top”.
IMO Dawltry and Cummings need to be above Plant in any Top Vocalist list.

Also, ISTM when you do the top 200 anything, no one is ever going to agree and it’s sort of meaningless since at some point it’s just going to become “Let’s see if I can list 200 ____”.

The list isn’t necessarily about who you like as a singer. It’s more about technique and execution. I’m barely a casual fan of Iron Maiden’s Bruce Dickinson but I think he belongs in the top 20 if not the top 10. Robert Plant is listed far too high, although I like quite a lot of his work. Steve Perry (in his prime) is highly thought of among singers and is sometimes mentioned right behind Freddie as being the best. I can’t stand his music but yes he had chops.

Based on this “These vocalists are rated by their ability, in their
prime, for vocal Control, Power, Range, Articulation, Phrasing,
use of Dynamics, Uniqueness, plus Impact & Influence”
Thom Yorke should be well above 170. Based on that rating alone I’d say the chart is totally flawed.

I love Neil Young, but what’s he doing on this list?

I’m far from an afficianado, but no huge injustices jumped out at me.

I’d have put Roger Daltrey higher; top 10, probably top 5.


Ditto for putting Barry White at 49. Wtf.

Neil Young is on the list? {Goes back and checks}Ah yes, #133. Okay, I can disregard this compilation list as complete and utter bullshit. :slight_smile:

Axl Rose better than Phillip Bailey? Seriously? IF Axl lives to be 60, and IF he had contonued to make music during that time, and IF he can sing BETTER than he does now, he still wouldn’t be above Phillip Bailey.