Top 6 @ 6 Week #5. Your Beatles Favorites AND Animals results from Week #4

This was perhaps the hardest thing I’ve done, or will do, all week, and that includes several exams!

I was able to make this easier by crossing out instrumentals (which need to be ranked separately) as well as crossing out songs that were not written by any combination of the Beatles.

So here are my favorite beatles songs (from “least favorite” to most favorite, I guess):

  1. Abbey Road Medley
  2. And I Love Her
  3. I’m Happy Just To Dance With You
  4. Something
  5. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
  6. All My Loving

I couldn’t agree with HoldenCaufield more- when people ask me what my favorite Beatles album is, I usually tell them “as a composition, Abbey Road, and as individual tracks, A Hard Day’s Night.” AHDN is excellent!

  1. I Feel Fine
  2. Day Tripper
  3. Norwegian Wood
  4. Ticket to Ride
  5. Penny Lane
  6. Money

This is impossible, but my “toppermost of the poppermost”. . . in no apparent order

We Can Work It Out


Here, There and Everywhere

I’m Only Sleeping

Norwegian Wood

Penny Lane

  1. Hello Goodbye
  2. Julia
  3. I’m Happy Just to Dance with You
  4. And Your Bird Can Sing
  5. Strawberry Fields Forever
  6. Norwegian Wood

Just had a huge fight with the Wife about these. “Norwegian WOOD? EVERYBODY chooses Norwegian Wood! And Strawberry Fields is just WEIRD! I don’t even remember how And Your Bird Can Sing GOES! I HATE Happy Just to Dance With You! Julia? That’s MAUDLIN! Hello fucking GOODBYE? Are you SERIOUS???”

Her favorites include “She’s Leaving Home” and “Blackbird.”

I consider the marriage over.

Well, I certainly cannot justify many of these on purely musical grounds, but they’re my gut choices:

  1. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
  2. And I Love Her
  3. In My Life
  4. And Your Bird Can Sing
  5. Rocky Raccoon
  6. The Long and Winding Road

JohnBckWLD How about Atlanta Rthymm Section?

  1. Sexy Sadie
  2. Strawberry Fields Forever
  3. Hey Jude
  4. Rain
  5. For You Blue
  6. For No One

1 - A Day In The Life
2 - I Am The Walrus
3 - Here Comes The Sun
4 - Fool On The Hill
5 - Long, Long, Long
6 - Hey Bulldog!

p.s. - What happened to the Beach Boys?

  1. Tomorrow Never Knows
  2. In My Life
  3. Eleanor Rigby
  4. Lovely Rita
  5. You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away
  6. Help

1.) You’ve Got To Hide Your Love Away
2.) Hey Jude
3.) Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
4.) Day in the Life
5.) I Am the Walrus
6.) Ticket to Ride

I really really wanted to put ‘She’s Leaving Home’ in there, too, but it wouldn’t fit. :frowning: This one was definitely hard.

Okay, here are my 6:

  1. Helter Skelter
  2. Hey Bulldog
  3. Nowhere Man
  4. Tomorrow Never Knows
  5. Eleanor Rigby
  6. I Am the Walrus

In no particular order

#1) Maxwell’s Silver Hammer
#2) Only a Northern Song
#3) Ticket To Ride
#4) Elenore Rigby
#5) Good Day, Sunshine
#6) Here Comes the Sun


It looks like Eleanor Rigby might win; that would be interesting because it is no one’s number one.

  1. I want You (She’s So Heavy)
  2. Eleanor Rigby
  3. Your Mother Should Know
  4. Bungalow Bill
  5. Long, Long, Long
  6. Revolution 9

This list is only for today, and it changed frequently, depending on what I feel like and what I’m doing.

As long as it’s not Hey Jude (Sorry, not judging…just could never could figure out the love people have for that song)