Toyota Cressida headlamp swap?

Can a Toyota Corolla headlight assembly be installed as an alternative solution for hard to find Cressida same, model years 1989-1992? I was at a salvage hard the other day & they looked reasonably similar, with the Corolla headlight being a bit narrower, while the shape of the running light was almost identical, yet maybe a tad smaller.

Very unlikely. I don’t know where you are and whether it’s available in your country but what you want is the assembly from a X80 type Mark II. They are virtually the same model.

Its a unique part for the Cressida apparently, no one ever notices its a match to any other .

There seems to be a couple ( so hopefully a match for what you want… ) on ebay at the moment.

Try this site, it had been helpful for me in locating used parts.

Plus it will tell you if other models use the same part. If so, it will give you the option of searching for the part originally used on another model.

I did a quick search and there are many available for your Cressida. They appear to go for $45-150 a side.

Huh. I had to google what they look like. I still see the occasional 80’s Cressida on the street, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of the '88-'92 ones!

The headlight assembly I think looks quite a lot like the '86-'90 generation Camry, but I’d be surprised if they were a direct bolt-in fit.