I’ve noticed a predominance of one type of traffic light pattern that seems to be horribly inefficient when it comes to managing intersections. I’ve seen one that seems (at least on paper) to be better, but I cannot for the life of me figure out why the dominant one is even used, with a few exceptions where most traffic is going to be turned, or significantly more traffic goes in one direction, etc.
Assume traffic is constant (though both roads don’t have to have equally busy) to remove the degenerate cases from the analysis. Right turns will not be considered since they can be made on Red (in most cases) and will always at least coicide with going Straight.
Also, there are times where the part of or the entire intersection must be clear for a few seconds to allow for people who may be just clearing the intersection, heavy loaded trucks, and people running yellow and/or red lights. Let us assume that this is determined by speed and traffic density such that, at least on the same road this is constant for each direction for an ALL STOP or partial stop and since the two roads are independant in this regard, we can treat this time as constant.
Traffic Pattern A:
Northbound/Southbound: Left turns
Northbound/Southbound: Straight
Westbound/Eastbound: Left turns
Westbound/Eastbound: Straight
Degenerate case: No opposing traffic turning left, so your direction gets to go straight AND left during the Left turn phase. Your direction does not stop during the ALL STOP phase and continues going Straight in the Striaght phase.
Note that there are for four complete stops for ALL directions. And that each time a phase starts each direction must start from a full stop (if any traffic has stopped and is waiting at the light).
Traffic Pattern B:
Northbound: Left turns and Straight
Northbound Left STOP
Northbound/Southbound: Straight
Northbound Straight STOP
Southbound: Left turns and Straight
Westbound: Left turns and Straight
Westbound Left STOP
Westbound/Eastbound: Straight
Wesbound Straight STOP
Eastbound: Left turns and Straight
Degenerate case: No opposing traffic turning left, so the straight phase starts sooner or lasts longer (depending on your direction) OR no opposing traffing going straight, so Left Turns and Straight phase for your direction is made longer or started sooner (depending on your direction).
Note that there is an ALL STOP only twice. There are four other partial stops, but these are not as bad as a full because traffic in at least one direction gets to continue flowing.
Now, we’ll assume that they’ve done a study on this particular intersection and found the optimum time that each type of traffic necessitates. Let each of these times be symbolized by a function F(B, D) such that B is the bound and D is the direction (ie, Northbound left = F(N, L), Southbound Straight = F(S, St)
TA(N, S, W, E) = MAX(F(N, L); F(S, L)) + STOP + MAX(F(N, St); F(S, St)) + STOP + MAX(F(W, L); F(E, L)) + STOP + MAX(F(W, St); F(E, S)) + STOP
TB(N, S, W, E) = MAX([F(N, L) + STOP + F(S, St)]; [F(S, L) + STOP + F(N, B)]) + STOP + MAX[(F(W, L) + STOP + F(E, St)]; [F(E, L) + STOP + F(W, St)]) + STOP
Now, if we assume that traffic is approximately the same in each opposing direction (ie, F(N, L) = F(S, L), F(W, St) = F(E, St), etc.), then these two end up being about equal:
TA(N=S, W=E) = TB(N=S, W=E) = F(N, L) + STOP + F(N, St) + STOP + F(W, L) + STOP + F(W, St) + STOP
That much is probably obvious; however, what if they’re not approximately equal. Lets assume its evening rushhour such that when all F(N, X) > F(S, X) and F(W, X) > F(E, X) (obviously, in morning rushhour, these would be reversed). Then we end up with this equation for Pattern A.
TA(N>S; W>E) = F(N, L) + STOP + F(N, St) + STOP + F(W, L) + STOP + F(W, St) + STOP
This gives us an interesting comparison because this breaks into two sums both of which are greater than their potential counterparts in the first pattern:
(F(N, L) + STOP + F(N, St) + STOP) > (MAX([F(N, L) + STOP + F(S, St)]; [F(S, L) + STOP + F(N, B)]) + STOP) because F(N, St) > F(S, St) and F(N, L) > F(S,L)
(F(W, L) + STOP + F(W, St) + STOP) < (MAX[(F(W, L) + STOP + F(E, St)]; [F(E, L) + STOP + F(W, St)]) + STOP) because F(W, St) > F(E, St) and F(W, L) > F(E, L)
Therefore, if **N=S ** and W=E, then TA(N, S, W, E) = TB(N, S, W, E); however, if N!=S and W!=E, then TA(N, S, W, E) > TB(N, S, W, E). So we can say that even though O(TA) = O(TB), the average, and more likely case, is that TA > TB; or in other words, TB is not necessary less than TA, but very well may be, but TA is NEVER less than TB.
Of course, the obvious conclusion is, if TA > TB, then we can get more cycles in less time with Pattern B than with Pattern A, which would increase traffic flow. So this leads to my questions:
Is my analysis correct? I mostly didn’t feel like doing the degenerate cases, as I feel like they’ll most work out to have about the same amount of benefit to either. Even if they’re not, would they be enough to through the time in favor of Pattern A? Or, am I completely wrong?
Assuming my analysis is correct, I can’t imagine I’m the first to have done this. Why is Pattern A used at all? Are there any special cases where this one is preferable? Is it easier to program the lights to operate this way or somehow much cheaper? I have lots of anecdotal evidence from myself and others that Pattern B is faster, does anyone have any to the contrary?
Maybe if I can get a few people to help me clean up and verify the math, I can put together a letter and/or petition to my local DOT to get these kinds of changes put in. Does anyone have a better idea of who I should send this kind of simple request to? I think this could save the state tons of money over some of these silly overpasses they’re putting in that may not be necessary if they were using this alternate traffic pattern.
Many thanks to any of you brilliant mathematicians/engineers, etc. that are willing to help me out.
OT: Wasn’t sure which forum was correct. I would appreciate some helpful advice if this isn’t correct.