Tragic News. I may never be able to leave the couch again.

Tivo Series3 is available. It can record 300 hours of TV every day. My life is over :smiley:

300 hours a day? How many tuners does this thing have?

Assuming that the thing can hold 300 hours total, I still feel like such a slacker with about 15 hours of stuff stashed on my PVR.

I may be straining cedibility with the 300 hours per day claim. And if you’re interested in straining credibility next time you use the bathroom, you should make a movement to buy one of these :wink:

One hopes that the big box stores will severly discount this.
For 800, it better have a RAID5 of 500GB drives under the hood

:eek: That’s insane! I think it’s amazing that TV has developed so far.

well, considering how much time I spend clicking & bithching that there is nothing on the 800+ channels I get now, I can’t quite get myself all worked up for this…

Fine, so you can record all those hours. When do you plan to watch what you’ve recorded?


I have a backlog of five or six movies on my DVR, plus half a dozen 30-minute cooking shows and a Mel Brooks interview, and I can’t find time to watch any of them. I’m safe from the next upgrade.

Following the OP’s link allowed me to discover the 180-hour TiVo® Series2™ DT DVR, which, at just $130, will record two basic cable channels at the same time (or will record one channel while letting me watch another). This might just be the thing that makes me finally give in and get TiVo. :eek:

(Curse you, Tapioca Dextrin!)

In a few weeks I’ll have a spare Series 1 Tivo (with lifetime service) available if anyone wants one :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t worry bro!
I hear they are developing a portable system!! :smiley:

Hmm, I should clarify that $130 is the one-time fee to be able to rent the TiVo I mention above. I should also mention that the 80-hour Series 2 is only $30 to rent, and now I’m really in trouble. :wink:

I, instead, found that the 80 hour dual tuner TiVo was a mere $30.

$30. Plus Dual Tuner! (Finally, that’s what was holding me back. I never expected it for $30)

Guess what should arrive next week.

You know those big banks of TV’s they have as displays in electronics stores? Those are going to be bundled as one unit for sale with this bad boy.

I have started to question the needs of people who store 15,000 songs on their Ipods or hundreds of movies in any form however. It seems rather inefficient. Because some people have such wide-ranging tastes, it seems like you could almost set up “central media hubs” that organize different types of music and video content in a loose way and then broadcast it wirelessly over wide areas so that users could simply and easily scan the options among content stored remotely but streamed in an organized but still variable way. That would ensure quality control, eliminate the need for massively redundant storage, and greatly increase the total library of content throughout the system. The downside to this system is expense of course. It would cost billions to set up enough central media hubs to cover most of the country enough to make it worthwhile. Again we deal with a chicken and egg problem.

I knew before I opened this thread that it would be about TiVo.

I really want one, but I’m a broke college student. And I should probably go to my cable provider first and bitch about the fact that the premium channels I’m paying for are always cutting out. I almost had a heart attack during the last ep of Entourage because it kept cutting out and I had friends over to watch it.

Yeah, I mentioned that in the post right before yours. :slight_smile:

My dilemma now is whether to do the package thing (“rent” isn’t exactly the right term; it’s more like financing) or just buy a TiVo outright and then sign up for service. I’m leaning toward the latter: my birthday is next week, and the other day my mom asked me what I want … at the time I had no suggestions, but now I’m going to see if she can afford TiVo’s gift package of an 80-hour DT box with 12 months of service for $254. :smiley:

I agree that the dual tuner is a huge selling point: one of my issues with older TiVos was that I couldn’t record one thing while watching another, and in order to record something and then watch it on another TV I’d have to have a second TiVo. But with the dual tuner I’d have the same functionality as I do with the two VCRs that I have, in just one box (I noted that you can’t record two digital cable channels at the same time: I only have basic analog cable, so it’s perfect for me). I also used to have an issue with their requirement of a phone line for setup (I haven’t had a land line in over a year), but the Series 2 boxes don’t have that problem – I’ll have to get their wireless network adapter, but that’s no biggie.

I’ve resisted TiVo for so long … I can’t believe I’m finally ready to give in!

How hard is it to use a TiVo? Would it make a good gift for my mother? I presume it is another darn monthly subscription service. Everything else is nowadays.

We finally succumbed to the TiVo world recently. You don’t have to pay a monthly subscription fee, Paul in Saudi, if you just pay for “lifetime service” up front – which actually works out to only a few years, but it’s still cheaper than the monthly payment deal. We got an 80-hour dual tuner and thus far have been very happy indeed with it. I think it cost about $350 altogether for the box and the service.

Oh, I forgot to add that it’s a bit of a pain to learn to use at first – the “instruction manual” is anything but helpful, so you just have to plan on several hours sitting there pushing various buttons to figure out what does what. But my husband, who is the first to admit that although he can make any computer ever made sing and dance, he still cannot work a remote, has even managed to come to terms with it. It only took about two weeks of cursing, and now he’s very happy. It actually was a shorter learning curve than when he gets a new cell phone. :smiley: