training in a new subject - ridiculous idea?

We’re probably going to move to the UK in a few years, and in order to teach there I’ll need a PGCE. The problem is that my major is English (BA in literature and MA in the humanities). English teachers are a dime a dozen in the UK. And the fact that I’m ethnically Korean has always worked against me when teaching English outside of Korea.

I’m thinking of getting another degree in math or one of the sciences so I can get my PGCE in a more marketable subject. They were never my best subjects but I got decent grades in both subjects in high school (B average). I could do a distance learning course with the Open University so it wouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. If I worked my ass off I could get a BA degree in less than three years, I think. Plus teachers who train in math or science get aid from the government (golden hellos, I think they’re called) and of course it’s easier to get a position once you’ve graduated.

On the other hand, I have an MA in the Humanities from UChicago and several years’ experience teaching English and ESL at all levels. Would it be silly of me to just throw this all away?

As an aside, I’d much rather teach science than ESL. The thought of teaching ESL for the rest of my life does not make me happy.

I am doing the same thing. I currently teach in a small town, and I can never seem to find a teaching gig that will satisfy me with my credentials (I have a B.Mus) I am currently taking computer science courses long distance. I hope to combine them with math and perhaps bio into another degree that will give me muchos flexibility in job options. I might even quit my current teaching job next year, and go back to school full time to get it done.

If you enjoy learning…it’s a win win scenario. Take a class and see where it leads.

Thanks. It’s good to know my idea isn’t completely crazy. :slight_smile:

You’re not throwing it away, it will always be part of your experience and may come in handy down the track.

The key here is that you can’t bear the thought of doing what you do now, forever. The sooner you take steps to change direction, the better. You know this already (you just need random internet people to confirm it :D.

I am an ESL teacher in Japan but when I go back to Australia I will most likely go back to teaching maths. Teaching ESL long-term would drive me insane.

Check the requirements for being certified to teach science and maths - you might not need a full degree. I tried to find the information on the TDA website but I gave up - government websites seem designed to cause insanity.

Also, your ESL experience will be really useful if you end up teaching at a school with a lot of recent migrants, and even with students with literacy problems.

Do you mean English the language or English the subject?