Tramp Stamp poll

Don’t most people under the age of 35 have tattoos now? I pretty much just assume the same thing when I see someone in an Ambercrombie and Fitch shirt: middle class kid from the burbs.

THANK you - I got mine way before everybody had one and they started calling them tramp stamps! I got it there partly because I thought it was flattering and partly so I wouldn’t get tired of it, not seeing it most of the time, and hey, if I get old and hate it I won’t have to look at it. And it’s easy to hide at work, etc. I’ve been wanting to add something to it for a long time and I’ve halfway decided to get one of the Siberian ice princess’ tattoos above it, or maybe a bit higher on my back. Perhaps that will legitimize it. :slight_smile:

I’ve posted this before,but I’ve had my back tattoo for nearly twenty years. When I had it done it was a pretty novel thing - at least here in Florida where they’re more than a little behind the times. In fact, the only reason I had it done was that my boyfriend at the time was a locally renowned artist and maybe got wind that it was the next big thing or something; I don’t really remember. Anyway, I had no idea how ubiquitous they had become nor was I aware of the delightful nickname until I saw Wedding Crashers. As Blackberry imagines, I was not happy. I was more surprised though, as I was totally unaware of the trend and the public scorn attached to it.

I frankly could not possibly care less what anyone thinks of it. Actually, I scarcely remember I even have that one as no one ever sees it so there are no scornful looks / compliments to remind me. I have gotten a chuckle when a co-worker (always a woman) has gone on a tangent about tattoos and the scumbags who have them, not knowing that I’m one of the “scumbags” in question. Open mouth, insert foot . . .

My tattoos haven’t caused any relationship problems, although my current boyfriend doesn’t particularly like them - not because he dislikes tattoos but they serve as a reminder of my former boyfriend.

If I had a daughter, I guess it would depend on her personality. Hopefully I’d know her well enough to understand her motivation and then that would determine my advice to her.
There are some people who are just not suited to it. You *will *hear stupid comments and be judged by some people and if you’re not comfortable enough with yourself to let it roll off, you’re going to regret it.

I don’t have anything against tatoos; would get one myself if I could think of anything I thought I might care about in 10 years. I don’t think a TS says much about the bearer unless it looks like a skee ball target.

I have one, on the lower right side of my back. Got it in college (yep, I’m a walking, talking stereotype). I had wanted one for a long time, and found a design I really liked and that meant something to me. I specifically placed it so that I could easily cover it. Much like Wookinpanub, most of the time I forget I even have one.

Would I get that same tattoo in that same location now? Probably not. That said, I still like it and I sometimes toy with the idea of getting another one or two. But at 35, the likelihood of me actually doing so is pretty slim - it’s just not that important or interesting to me anymore; just not on my list of priorities. I should probably get the one I have touched up, too, but that’s not a priority for me either.

Do I care what some random passer-by thinks of me if it does happen to show? Not at all. They don’t know me; judge all you like. The friends who do know I have one or who have seen it certainly don’t care - I’d bet many of them probably have forgotten I have one, and don’t particularly care one way or the other.

I like them if they’re not over-the-top sleepy. My very sweet daughter -in-law has one, and my very sweet niece. I may be biased, as my wife and I spent a very nice evening with a woman who had one a few years ago. Like everything else, some are better than others.

I would have married my wife if she had one. Why not?

Ha, my wife is one of those. She has a Yin/Yang based drawing and it looks really good, but she got it way before we ever heard that mocking term. I guess it’s better than “Exit Only.”

If you ever need to get rid of one, remember to use Turlington’s!

I feel much the same way, except that there seems to be a point where it goes full circle and they can become kind of hot depending on the person/tattoos. Vanessa Lake (adult model, look up NSFW pictures yourself) is an example of a woman who, with lesser tattoos, would make me say “She’s hot; shame about the tats” but as she is, I say “She’s hot; nice tattoos”. I think its the combination of color and over the top nature of it which suits her.

I know a gal who has one, and she personifies the worst assumptions anyone might make about TS-havers. The stamp is a boyfriend’s name, only with numbers in place of the letters, in case they broke up. Which of course they did years ago.

I like that. “I like you enough to get your name tattooed over my ass but don’t trust you to REALLY get your name tattooed over my ass so here’s some numbers and I guess if we break up I’ll tell people it’s my prison number or serial code or something. Look, this coupon expires tomorrow.”

Kind of how I feel about tattoos. Though now I have a girlfriend who hates them so none for me. Generally I feel they never do anything to enhance a woman’s looks but can detract. There is nothing better than the naked female body already. My ex got her TS tattoo while we were married knowing that I wouldn’t like it. At least I was the first to christen it. God knows how many since.

This. The only women I know that have them are tramps, but that’s probably because the non-tramps cover up in public. I’d be disappointed if my daughter got one, but I’d be disappointed with just about any tattoo. I’m not a fan.

A=1, B=2, C=3, or the numbers like texting? (2=A or B or C, 3=D or E or F)

For some reason, the texting version is funnier to me.

The former, I’m afraid. But it’s still funny…

Guy, 30, don’t care. If you’re a guy my age you’ve dated at least one girl with a tramp stamp. They’re inescapable. On occasion, I even find them hot.

It’s mostly the bandwagon ubiquitousness of them that is off-putting to me. Today’s tattoo is tomorrow’s mullet, except permanent. Otherwise, smaller tattoos are a non-issue to me.

The tattoos I don’t like in general are the large spread tattoos, from more than 20 feet away they inevitably look like a dark smeary blotch on the wearer. “Sure, you’re attractive, but only from close up”

I despise tattoos (and piercings). I try to ignore them and try to avoid negative judgements of the person who has thus mutilated him/herself. One of my daughters has a tatoo and now regrets it, but removal is too expensive. Both daughters have severally-pierced ears. One got her navel pierced years ago but covers it up in my presence because it makes me feel ill.

Don’t like them but don’t hate them if they’re not too big or obnoxious.

This makes a good point. Is showing your thong apurpose just a temporary tramp-stamp? “Hey, look at my ass and undies and sexy bits!” Hrm…

My one data point: **Misty May-Treanor **at the Olympics - her TS/lower-back tattoo was consistently mentioned and discussed by the women, and men, who were watching. It was mentioned as “unfortunate.” All were HUGE fans of hers and Kerri Walsh.

So I think they are not openly mocked by any stretch, but are noted when it is realized that they are there.