I am working on a project, and I need to confirm that Brazilian citizens can travel to Argentina without a passport. I have seen this stated several places on-line, including Wikipedia. But since a real decision turns on it, I need to be certain.
Does anyone have an authoritative source that I can look at to reassure myself?
Does anyone have personal experience that this is true?
I know the SDMB knows everything, so I turn to you for help!
According to to Argentina’s Immigration Page,, and considering I’m not familiar with Argentine usage, one could enter with any of the following:
[li]Registro de Identidad Civil (this is probably a national ID).[/li][li]Cédula de Identidad expedida por cada Unidad de la Federación con validez Nacional (this is probably a state/province/division/local ID).[/li][li]Cédula de Identidad de extranjero expedida por el Ministerio de Justicia (some official foreign ID issued by the Department or Ministry of Justice)[/li][li]Pasaporte (Passport).[/li][/ul]
Cédula de Identidad expedida por cada Unidad de la Federación con validez Nacional - Identity card issued for each unit of the Federation with national validity
Cédula de Identidad de extranjero expedida por el Ministerio de Justicia - Foreign Identity Card issued by the Ministry of Justice