Travel Between Brazil and Argentina

Hi Everyone

I am working on a project, and I need to confirm that Brazilian citizens can travel to Argentina without a passport. I have seen this stated several places on-line, including Wikipedia. But since a real decision turns on it, I need to be certain.

Does anyone have an authoritative source that I can look at to reassure myself?

Does anyone have personal experience that this is true?

I know the SDMB knows everything, so I turn to you for help!


Why don’t you ask Argentina’s embassy?

According to to Argentina’s Immigration Page,, and considering I’m not familiar with Argentine usage, one could enter with any of the following:

[li]Registro de Identidad Civil (this is probably a national ID).[/li][li]Cédula de Identidad expedida por cada Unidad de la Federación con validez Nacional (this is probably a state/province/division/local ID).[/li][li]Cédula de Identidad de extranjero expedida por el Ministerio de Justicia (some official foreign ID issued by the Department or Ministry of Justice)[/li][li]Pasaporte (Passport).[/li][/ul]

Thanks a lot Balthisar. That’s just the sort of official reference I was looking for.

Cédula de Identidad expedida por cada Unidad de la Federación con validez Nacional - Identity card issued for each unit of the Federation with national validity

Cédula de Identidad de extranjero expedida por el Ministerio de Justicia - Foreign Identity Card issued by the Ministry of Justice

According to Google Translate