4th of July weekend I’m scheduled to be at a Magic the Gathering tournament in Kyoto. It is a competitive event for Japanese players(Nationals) so no real info is available to me in English. What I need to know is where it is taking place so I can find a corresponding hotel.
Anyone that can Google in kanjii willing to help me out here?
Event is for the card game Magic the Gathering made by Wizards of the Coast. In the US the event would be called ‘nationals’ it starts on either the 1st or the second of July and ends on the 4th. It will near in or near Kyoto. The only thing I know for sure is it is not at the same site as the last major tournament in Kyoto, the Pro Tour. The name of the event site or street address would be very helpful.
9-1 Seishoji-cho, Okazaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Be warned, addresses in Japan are not like addresses in the U.S. They do not use 123 Main St. The simplest way to describe it is as zooming in on a smaller and smaller set of bullseyes. It is tricky even for native Japanese. Any business card you pick up will have a small map on the back showing the business’s location with regard to some landmark such as a train station or police box.
Oh, and don’t expect everyone to speak English. They study it, but speaking it is a completely different thing.
Yeah, but you’d be surprised how far you can get with mildly embarrassed facial expressions and gesturing.
I’ve been to Japan multiple times and have no issues with communication or getting around. The problem I’m having at the moment is planning and not knowing the events location. I’m sure one of my contacts will respond to my e-mail inquiry but that often takes a few days. Just trying to get a head start so I can set the budget and book the best hotels for the trip. It would simply be an inconvenience to get a hotel on the other side of town from the event.
And you might also be surprised how many Americans conflate “study English” with “speak English” and find themselves in an ocean of faces displaying the commonest Japanese reaction to being put on the spot: a frozen, embarrassed, silent smile.
OP, don’t know where you’ve already been but Kyoto is a really beautiful city. Take care though, it is renowned for being very hot and muggy in summertime.
Just to add, it’s being held at the Kyoto International Exhibition Hall, aka Miyako Messe. This is in the same building.
The solution is clear: Boytyperanma must learn to communicate in their shared language.