Travelling to Africa

I was wondering what the cheapest possible way to travel to Kenya would be. Plane tickets are over $1500, and freighters are always more expensive. Any help here?

You don’t say where you’re traveling from, but it really doesn’t matter. It’s expensive no matter what. Your best bet is to shop fares online and book way in advance. You might try going to Jo’burg in SA, since it’s a more popular destination (and theoretically cheaper to get to), then working your way up to Kenya by other means.

Or join the Peace Corps or some other aid agency that will pay your way over.

It’s going to be pricey no matter how you do it. But once you get there, you can keep things pretty cheap if you try. I have a volunteer friend that spent a few weeks there playing tourist and spent only around a thousand including air tickets from Cameroon.

Uh, joing the Peace Corps is one way to get to Africa, but it’s a helluva commitment. I’m having a great time, but with a six month to one year application process, three months of intensive training and a two year committment, it’s not really something to do on a whim.

evensven- Peace Corps Volunteer in beautiful Cameroon

Yeah, and there’s that whole pesky work thing they expect you to do.