Tripping the Rift, WTF?

Okay, I’m flipping the channels and I surf into this “show” on SciFi. The first thing I notice is that there’s this scantily clad female CGI character with breasts that move like static charged balloons. This just strikes me as wrong, somehow. I mean, are there really guys out there so pathetic (more pathetic than me, even) that they have nothing better to do than jerk off over badly CGIed sex pots? Because it’s pretty obvious that’s why she’s there, no apparent brains, see-thru clothing, jokes about her nipples, her sexy squeals, and so on.

Even more bizarre is that I recognize some of the voices (not hard to do, since whatever plot/storyline the episode had was so transparent and predictable as to be unnoticable), and in doing a google search, I hit the official website for the show and discover that if you mouse over the character Choad (he’s the 3 eyed purple alien) you get to hear Milton from the movie Office Space say, “Who’s your daddy?” That’s just so wrong on so many levels. (Because now, I have this image of Milton looking out his window at the squirrels and shouting, “Who’s your daddy?”)

Maybe I’m turning into an old fart, but damned if I can get this shit. Really, the whole point of the episode seemed to be, well, making cheap sexual jokes and zooming in on CGI breasts. IIRC, one can use this thing called the internet to view all the real breasts he or she might so desire. Hell, you don’t even have to bother with horribly contrived situations before the unveiling of the breasts. Just make the right google search, and it’s tit’s a poppin’ baby! So who the fuck watches this shit on a regular basis? Good Christ, the crap on Skinamax is better than this, why not watch that instead? At least there, the boobies move in a semi-natural fashion.

And hell, if you’re going to put a show on the air which is so blatant about characters wanting to get laid, why not just skip the pretension of actually having a plot or a storyline and feature nothing but people screwing their brains out? I mean, you’ll get your ratings if you do that. That’s a given, so why not just come (pardon the pun) right out and say, “Okay, folks, you want to watch people screwing on TV, we’ll give it to ya!” and have 30 minutes of people fucking like rabbits? Level with America! Give them what they want, and that way they can evolve into little more than eyeballs with reproductive organs attached (which seems to be the way we’re headed). Probably be cheaper than all that CGI animation, too. I’m sure there’s tons of geeky folks out there (both male and female) who’d willingly pay money to get laid on a show which would air on the SciFi Channel. If you’re afraid that it won’t fit the SciFi Channel’s theme, then spray paint the women green so all the guys can pretend that they’re Captain Kirk. (Note: I know that it was Christopher Pike who saw the Orion slave girl, not Captain Kirk, and that Pike didn’t bang her, but come on, it was funny as shit when Eddie Murphey said that Kirk fucked a green chick, and that’s what most people think of when you bring up the subject of green women [Except those who have a fetish for She-Hulk, of course.], not what really happened in those episodes.)

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go scrub my brain out with some real porn to try and forget the crap that I just saw.

Sure, all they’d have to do is stick a steerable headlight in the middle of all that decolletage, and you’d be a big fan! :dubious:

Best show on TV. Unjustified lame rant.

I’m just amazed at the physics! So jubbley!

You have some problems. From your post, I gather you are one of those people that equate sex with everything, some sort of erotic Freudian dingbat. Eh, if you can’t get humor because you are too busy staring at some tits on a cartoon character and imagining pimply adolescent boys masterbating, you have some issues. Hell, if you cant watch anything with scantily clad women and notice anything anything other than the women, you need to get laid or something.

I thought the web episodes that were released a couple of years ago were hysterical. I hated the first television episode and haven’t had the heart to watch any more. Maybe it gets better…I’ll probably never know. That first episode was about as entertaining as a tracheotomy.

Yeah, the first web episode they had was great. That’s what the show should have been, not the stripped down lame ass series running on the Sci Fi channel now. Did they ever release the second web episode? I remember seeing previews for it but it wasn’t out yet.

I seem to recall watching it. If I remember I’ll dig through my stacks of archived media and see if I have it somewhere.

If you don’t like raunchy humor in your cartoon shows, it’s not like there’s a fucking SHORTAGE of cartoons that have no sex in them. Trippin’ the Rift is about the only animated show in America that has the balls to BE smutty as well as make smarmy references to smut (I’m lookin’ at you, South Park).

In short, lame rant, not convinced. I personally think the attention paid to making Six of One’s breasts jiggle is wonderful stuff. Can’t wait until we get some good CGI hentai goin’ one of these days.

I LOVED the original web episode, but I have to say I’m a bit disappointed in the TV show. I’ll give it chance to get better though.

slortar, let us know if you find that 2nd episode! I didn’t think that was ever made.

Yeah…cool, ain’t it?

Are these web episodes still available? If so, where?

Here’s a link to download the original web episode and here’s a link to the teaser for episode 2.

Hm. It’s looking more and more like I just saw the teaser and took the memory as haven’t meant I saw the full episode 2. I’ll still check when I get home, but it’s looking more and more like that’s the case.

How long has it been since the original came out and how long has the trailer for ep 2 been out?

Though there is something sad about the fact that the original 10 minute web episode was much funnier then the full-length sci-fi channel episodes I’ve seen so far.

Wow! I haven’t seen those in ages! I loved the first one.

off to download

Yeah, I definitely saw the trailer. It’s really sad, looking at the original. The TV series just lacks the crazy energy of the shorts.

When Choad picks up his engineer and uses him as a snooty robotic bludgeoning weapon of doom, I laughed so hard I was sobbing.

Looks to me like it’s satyring Star Trek: Voyager, and Star Trek, among other things. Looks to be using sex to sell itself too much though.

Was anyone able to download? I got
“Not Found
The requested URL /movies/trailers/ttr2teaser_240x160.mpg was not found on this server.”

I got similar errors on both files, both resolutions.

Reminds of “Lexx”, but Lexx was consistantly better(I’m comparing series here) and darker. That was really screwed up considering sci-fi promoted it by putting sex scenes in the commericals, then censoring the hell out of the actual episodes(and there’s not that much in the way of overt sex anyway).

The bit about the balloon doggie was great as well, and the poor swered storm troopers.