Trivia questions which, amazingly, have two answers

My guess:

One is most likely “Murder by Death”. Not sure about the other; is it “Saw”?

I’m assuming “The Last of Sheila” is one, the other may be “Sleuth” but it doesn’t quite fit.

These have long gone past the criteria of things that amazingly have 2 answers. Most don’t even have the appearance of having only one answer.

Sleuth fits perfectly, and the other is, indeed, The Last of Sheila (Some of the 1972 movie Sleuth was supposed to have actually been filmed in Sondheim’s apartment, I heard.)

How is this long past . the criteria?

You missed Washington, DC.

True, since I was asking for cities, not incidents when this happened.

One person, not people
About an hour or so, not a weekend
About the only secret that gets revealed is Andrew’s impotence, nothing else really counts as a secret.

When you have to be so twistingly specific it’s clearly left behind the idea of a question with apparently one answer.

I think since the June bump only mine and Treppenwitz’s have actually sounded like a real question with only one answer.

Trivia question that has two answers, though a better formulation would be “How many songs were on the Beatles second album?”

I couldn’t say one person – it’d give the show away.

The rest is quibbling.

It arguably has three answers, which mostly turns on the fact that early Beatles albums were released differently in the UK than in the US.

The second album by the Beatles released in the UK was With the Beatles, released November 22, 1963. It contains 14 songs.

The second album by the Beatles released in the US was Meet the Beatles!, released January 20, 1964. It contains 12 songs.

There was also an album released in the US on April 10, 1964, which was actually called The Beatles’ Second Album. It contains 11 songs. It was actually their third US album, but only their second issued by Capitol Records.

So, potentially there are three different answers to that question, depending on what you mean by “the Beatle’s second album.”

In 1 sentence there are 3 glaring errors. That is hardly a "“quibble”. This will be my last post in this thread on the matter though, won’t derail any further.