
Who was the first American Bond girl? And what movie did she appear in?

Who was the first president to screen an x-rated movie in the White House? And what was the movie?

the movie HAD to be Midnight Cowby … so the Pres woulda been Nixon?

or Cowboy even

Right movie…wrong president.

I’ll play!

#2: Midnight Cowboy screened by Richard M. Nixon.


#1: I don’t know

Damn simulposts. LBJ then or Carter (for the 1980 rerelease)


I found that to be surprising.

Hm. Was it Kim Basinger in Goldfinger?

Was it still rated X in the 1980 re-release?

Maureen…Honor Blackman was the Bond Girl in Goldfinger.

AAARGH!:smack: …that’s right, it was Never Say Never Again. But not Kim?

AHA!!! Jill St. John, Diamonds Are Forever

Well done Maureen!

Thanks, I only had to take our video shelves halfway apart…(pant,pant…)

According to the IMDB, the rating for Midnight Cowboy was lowered to an R with no cuts made. By the time it was viewed, even though it was the exact same movie, it was rated R.

So it depends on whether it was screened before or after the MPAA change.