Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

He signed stuff “regards, Shodan’s mother”, too. Obviously has been hanging around the dope for a while.

Born and raised in SoCal. I hope Miles has gotten over it after 32 years. :wink:

I wonder why Discourse isn’t catching this guy before their posts go live at this point. I would have expected that, once you ban someone, any other attempts from that IP would be automatically held for moderator approval. And I would imagine most VPNs would be similarly held up as possible spam.

This makes me curious if this is a tech savvy poster who knows how to get around stuff like that.

I have a right-wing (older female, if that’s relevant) relation like this - she will post absolute nonsense copied from Newsmax or wherever and then, when presented by evidence that it’s nonsense, will say “Well, it’s just my opinion” as if that’s a defense.

Six? I completed the third grade in the second trimester.

Has anyone mentioned the ‘health care worker’ who has bravely manned ‘the front lines’ getting bent out of shape about Obama’s birthday bash? Classic concern troll. A little better effort than usual and is thus reaping the rewards.

I think we’ve found what that something is: easily confused.

So shh1313 plays the credulous JAQ-off card about post-WW2 operation Paperclip and JFK’s assassination. But while cooking, she takes time to peruse SEC filings of major pharmaceutical companies.

I guess fishing off the back of a slow moving boat leaves her with lots of free time on her hands.

Maybe she cooks mind-altering substances … and has been sampling too much of the product?

I’m leaning toward stupidity. This is the person who thinks stints were inserted into her friend.

Not even gonna ask.

`Emergancy surgery questions

Probably just typoed Stents

Several times.

Huh. Who would have guessed we’d have a new poster who wants to talk about covid. So far only slightly irritable and condescending. At least he made sure to mention that he doesn’t know other posters, that’s not suspicious at all.

Seems likes an obvious concern troll to me as well.

Ugh, CarnalK is back again?? That guy has some kind of sickness.

And you don’t have to fight that feeling anymore
Someone out there has just stopped that ugly roar
Our Mods done brought this ship into the shore
And they threw away the Bore.



(Hey, if anyone deserved a really cheesy music send off, They did.
Besides it was either that or Dance Party #5. )

Forever seems recklessly optimistic.