Truly Mundane and Pointless: I just turned 1000

[yoda]When 900 posts old you reach, looks as good you will not[/yoda]

Yay for Veb.

Um, sitting at my computer doing homework is making my back ache, and my finger still itches!

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

I stay up past my bedtime because of this damn MB. SO congrats.

It’s not how you pick your nose, it’s where you put the boogers

Jeez, you’re OLD!



Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well.

Veb, Happy Milleniy’all! Your posts are always a welcome oasis of lucidity, unlike some who get to 530 with mostly mundane yammer…

How’s about a 21 sparkler salute!

Someone should give you the Cecil-Will-B-True-To-You Doll since you’ve reached a milestone,… who is holding that doll now anyway???

When we find it, it’s YOURS!! :wink:

“It’s hard to avoid reading because ever wheres we go, reading is there.”

Veb, congrats kiddo. I must agree with Ol’ Wally. POST MORE! We love you! :wink:

And all that BS…

“Don’t bother to pack your bags, Or your map.
We won’t need them where we’re goin’,
We’re goin’ where the wind is blowin’.”

Nothing like a 1000 post party to pad my own measly count.

Seriously , though, congrats!! Manny more to come I hope!!

How 'bout we sing ‘Kyle’s mom is a stupid bitch’ in D minor?

stomachs. :smiley: