There are times when a politician finds it is better to misdirect the public’s attention to a trivial embarrassment, than to let them ponder the real story at hand.
It’s all fourth dimensional chess. You, with your average sized brain, couldn’t understand the details but this act will directly lead to the complete unilateral disarmament of North Korea.
He likes it when people laugh with him. Like during his UN speech.
I just like how long it must have been stuck to his shoe if it was toilet paper and no one told him. I don’t think limos have toilets in them. I’m guessing he’s missing having Hope around.
It could be a fast food napkin but the McD’s here in Iowa use unbleached ones. We didn’t eat at any when we were in the Twin Cities this summer so I don’t know if they use white or brown there.
Yanno, there’s not a single thing I consider even remotely admirable about Trump, but, sheesh, it’s just paper stuck to his shoe. I feel like focus on stuff like this takes away from highlighting the significant ways he’s screwing over the country.
I think it’s important only as a demonstration of his staff’s disdain for him. I can’t picture the white staff or SS allowing that to happen under any other President.