Trump can't make a fist

Most likely from his bone spurs.

He’s being 60s “cool”. At times he even bites his lower lip to show how hip he is.

But let’s be figurative for a moment.

Trump’s fist gesture exemplifies his life. He’s not making a fist with which he intends to hit somebody. He’s making a gesture to signal to his minions that they should hit somebody on Trump’s behalf.

Trump doesn’t do things. He expects to have things done for him. Others do the work and he collects the rewards.

It is a gang sign not a fist. It is his stand back but stand by signal.
He does it for the undercurrent message.

I think he’s just trying to be cool like Bill Clinton.

Unless Clinton learned that from Trump back in the day, who knows. They were buddies once upon a time.

Maybe he’s trying to do the “OK” thing with his hand as a white power symbol but his tiny fingers can’t do the right shape.

The Republican lament.

“But…but…but…both sides…”

It might be hard to understand from your perspective as a non-American. Trump is the most despicable and dangerous public figure we’ve had in generations. There is no reason to view an elderly but decent person anywhere nearly as critically as a grotesque and incompetent buffoon who has no respect for our institutions or values. Biden is not a “senile delusional grandpa” by any stretch, but even if he was, he’d be 1000 times better than Trump.

I’d rather, by far, have a senile grandpa as president than a wannabe Hitler/Putin.

Eisenhower was a grandpa president. No one ever says anything bad about him. But Buchanan was a Jeopardy! question yesterday as one of the worst presidents ever. And he hasn’t even been alive, in, oh, quite a while now. That’s where trump will be listed. Not Biden.

My prediction is that Biden will be remembered as an “okay” president who wasn’t remarkable but was competent and did his job well enough. One of many such presidents over the centuries who don’t get talked about often.

That’s not at all a bad thing and a massive improvement over the alternative.

Looks to me like he is showing off his soft hands and carefully manicured nails.

Trump was able to create the image of being a successful businessman. If he had stayed out of politics, that would have been his legacy.

Instead he’ll be remembered as a complete failure of a President.

If he’s lucky. I suspect he’ll be remembered as a criminal and a traitor.

I hope he’s not remembered as the LAST president of the US.

I think Biden will be remembered as an above average and consequential president. He has done a terrific job, not okay, IMO.

How presidents are viewed in the lens of history is often as much a result of external context as it is their own actions. I’d say that Biden has done far better than most people anticipated (even those who were ardent supporters) but he’s also overseen some significant misses, which may tarnish his image even if his policies and actions weren’t specifically responsible for them.

But Trump was not just an abysmal President but is just a terrible human being, incapable of expressing basic empathy or speaking in coherent sentences even when reading off of a teleprompter. I can’t see any way history will look back on Trump as anything but an enormous national embarrassment even in comparison to other bungling strongmen and would-be maladroits.


Maybe he’s doing a Black Power salute?

100 years from now? Unless something monumental happens during his second term, I doubt it.

It’s not a slam on him, he’s done a great job. But he’s probably not going to take up much space in kids’ history books. Which is probably a good thing.

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Arguably some of the best presidents by any objective performance assessment are also the least remembered.


Trump probably has Dupuytren’s contracture. Otherwise, it’s a virtual certainty that the little hand gesture of his would be a straight up Sieg Heil!

Exactly, that’s largely what I meant. The others are folks like Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, etc. The ones that get monuments created for them. Aside from them, you get the quietly adequate ones then the awful ones with scandals and disasters.