Trump Crowds vs Biden Crowds

I don’t disagree that you couldn’t form a cult of personality around Biden similar to Trump’s base. But I think you might be underestimating the number of people who really do like him and want him, specifically, to be president, not just “anyone but Trump.” He wasn’t my first choice–I voted for Warren in the primary–but I hold him in high regard, both in terms of his qualifications and his personal character. I donated hundreds of dollars to his campaign and already voted for him (and tracked my ballot to ensure it was counted). I wouldn’t attend a rally right now even if I could, but I am certainly enthusiastic from afar. And, obviously, there are lots of people who are even more enthusiastic about him; that’s how he won the primary.

That’s trolling (a baldfaced lie). Official warning.

“What? ‘Stupid’? Fuck no, he/she’s not stupid; he/she’s wearing a suit! Duh!”

[cuts to scene of Louie Gohmert wearing a suit on the House floor and slowly eating a large booger]

And how do YOU know you’re not doing the very same thing? People believe what they want to believe—including you.

Umm, because I have seen questions other than “What ice cream flavor did you buy?”

I think you think you are making some sort of point here, but you have failed at it pretty miserably.

One way I do is to find if science is being ignored by the politician or the news outlets too, it is like a third party that looks at the facts.

And right on cue, Dr Atlas, who is an advisor of the president, shows how one can see how wrong he and the President and most Republicans are.

Of course that only explains in part why Trump is not really following what the proper experts say.

Before I move on it is a tad unorthodox for the president of a country to get important medical information from a tweet, given that he has a team of experts, including the head of the CDC itself on call day or night to explain the facts.

But formulating U.S. policy on the basis of something someone copied from a blog or a tweet has become so normal now I’m sure a lot of people would think it churlish and un-American for me to even mention it.

Sorry, let’s face the fact that that’s now perfectly normal in the united states and get back to the fact-checking…

Trump crowd last night in Butler, PA. Secret Service estimates 57,000 people, and it was only one of five Trump rallies in PA yesterday. Butler has only 14,000 residents, so most of these people traveled at least 40 miles to be there.

There is a Trump car caravan that stretches 96 miles in Arizona today.

There are thousands of Trump supporters lining the streets of Beverly Hills today. Beverly freaking Hills.

I don’t understand this at all. Biden is supposed to be well ahead of Trump in all of these places. In the meantime, Biden and Obama held a public rally in the parking lot of a high school, where it looked like maybe a couple hundred people showed up. Stevie Wonder even joined them in Detroit. None of the news reports I can find say the crowd size, and almost all the photos are tight crops of the stage. The one crowd photo I found had maybe a dozen cars in the parking lot and maybe 50 people milling around the stage.

COVID doesn’t ecplain it all. The Biden/Obama event was public, and it was a car-based event.

This year is very confusing. I don’t know what to make of all the conflicting data.

Crowd size has nothing to do with actual leads. In Taiwan last year, the Trump-like candidate drew enormous crowds…and lost in a landslide on election day.

Oh it does, it shows how some candidates and their followers are responsible while on the other side they remain as reckless and ignorant as ever.

…it doesn’t ecplain it.

But it does explain it.

What bit are you confused about?

There is no conflicting data. Trump is ignoring the science and is holding rallies that are killing people.

Biden isn’t doing that. What exactly are you not understanding?

The explanation is that Trump supporters are disproportionately stupid and delusional. His message appeals to the worst people in America. And there are a lot of them. So when he asks them to do something stupid, go to a huge shoulder-to-shoulder rally, for instance, a lot of them are stupid enough to do it.

Biden isn’t asking his followers to do stupid stuff, and if he did, he’d shed a ton of support.

The 96 mile car caravan in Arizona is not a Covid risk. Is there anything remotely like it on the Biden side?

And these are outdoor rallies. I thought we learned during the Black Lives Matter protests that outdoor crowds were okay? If not, how many COVID cases have been attributed to them?

BLM events were marches that had a very high level of masking, and were socially distanced and most importantly didn’t involve being near other individuals for fifteen minutes (as per the CDC guidelines).

Trump events are fat old people huffing and screaming shoulder-to-shoulder without any masks for several hours.

Edit: As for the by the side of the road tailgate, I assume Biden supporters aren’t behind so they aren’t as motivated to make silly demonstrations of slobbering loyalty.

4.4 million people in California voted for Trump in 2016. 620 thousand of those in LA County alone. Are you really confused about this?

Is this the new Republican strategy? To dispute the election results by pointing at pre-election crowd sizes and claiming that they’re evidence of fraud?

Not to mention the cost of gasoline and the price for the flags, etc. That only shows people with more money. While many of the ones that would vote for Biden can’t afford to do that or have no jobs now.

I’ve seen several conservative acquaintances posting about how, “don’t believe the fake news polls” with pics of that rally in PA. They will certainly point to if and when he loses.

Don’t the Soros checks come with a six foot by 9 foot Biden banner?

…those trucks are fucking expensive. America is being hit by a pandemic, people have lost their jobs, are getting evicted. The question shouldn’t be “why aren’t the Democrats imitating MAGA’s with a pointless display of virtue signaling”, but “why the fuck would they do something so ridiculous with so little marginal value?”

Where they wore masks. And socially distanced. Those were the lessons from the BLM protests. Its a pandemic. These are not new things.

Not very much.

But that was only a google away, and if you had been following the news you would have known this already.

I’d almost put that squarely in the “too stupid to breathe” category, but probably a fair number of them know exactly what they’re doing, and don’t care.