Trump defense throwing insurrectionists under bus. What does his base think afterwards?

Trump voters are not well informed. I expect many of them are unaware they’ve been thrown under the bus.

Let’s just say I’m surprised Trump didn’t try to appoint Judge Reinhold to the Supreme Court.


Plenty of Trump supporters believe that when he does stuff like blaming his base, he doesn’t really mean it and is only saying so because he’s been forced to or to throw the bad guys (MSM, social media, Dems) off his scent. They just know that in his heart of hearts, he’s one of them and would never, ever sincerely throw them under the bus.

Well, gee, I believe that too. Now, they may further think he’s secretly got their backs, whereas I think he secretly holds them in total contempt for being losers.

Even this is no secret. Recall that news item from last September or so, that he reportedly expressed disgust at having to shake hands with all those low-life people at his rallies.

The base is hopeless. They believe he was sent from God to rid us of liberals and is by definition infallible. They would walk into a fire wearing a gasoline-soaked suit for him. Those who got caught were unworthy of his greatness and what happens to these imperfect souls is of no consequence. Only Herr Donald matters, mere mortals simply do not compare.

While saying, “Thank you, sir, may I have some more?”

Or Judge Judy

I always imagined his endorsement of her would go something like this.

Judge Judy, we need Judge Judy. She’s tough but fair, everyone that watches TV knows that Judge Judy is a good judge. And she’s successful, she has a gorgeous home. It’s no Mar-a-Largo, but it’s classy, she’s classy. These other judges they recommend, they are people I’ve never heard of. No one knows them. One of those judges, he lives in a three bedroom house in a not so nice area. How can someone like that be a good judge? Judge Judy, she knows how to judge, she’s made a lot of big money judging so she must be the best.

Of course, I imagined that before JJ came out as a Democrat.

Neither Judge Judy nor Judge Reinhold had a chance with Trump, no matter how much he might have wanted them, because neither appeared on the Federalist Society lists.

Trump may be stupid, but he’s not stupid. (So to speak.)


Of evidentiary interest: the letter from relatives of Republican Representative Adam Kinzinger, famous for having voted to impeach Trump, in which they inform him he’s now part of the Devil’s Army:

False flag letter, written by antifa.



A transcription appears in today’s Votemaster:


MAGAbot says ‘What bus?’

A few choice sections from the letter.

You should be very proud that you have lost the respect of Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Greg Kelly, etc. and most importantly in our book, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh and us!

Ohhhh! Noes! He’s lost the respect of Mark Levin! How ever will he survive!


We are not judging you. This letter is our opinion of you!

Um, isn’t that the very definition of judging?

Sometimes the worst insult is an accurate description.

So many levels of idiocy in that letter, but if I’m Kinzinger I’m most upset with the idea that one vote against Trump means he’s joined the Democratic party. Never mind his 95% conservative voting record (which I’m making up, but it’s likely pretty accurate), never mind all the GOP-aligned work he’ll do in the future. That’s it, you’re history, you’re one of THEM, go to hell.

(But we’re not judging you.)

“What armed insurrection?”

The thing is, in the worldview of Kinzinger’s relatives, he has gone against GOD’S CHOSEN PROPHET (profit)

When these folks were going on and on about how “the left” thought Obama was the Messiah (a thing that the left never actually did), they were engaging in a massive amount of projection.

The religious right wanted desperately to have a messiah of their own. To such a degree that they went out and got one that was a disgusting, amoral husk of a man, and elevated him to that status.

One thinks of the film “Life of Brian”, where the people follow all sorts of folks and declare them to be the Messiah.

“Well I say he is the Messiah, and I should know, I’ve followed a few”

Read yer konstitooshun!

The right of the people - er, white men - to insurrect, necessary to the security of a confederate, white nationalist patriarchy, shall not be infringed.

Interesting commentary there; thanks for linking it. (The polling information that followed the discussion of the letter was a good read, too.)

There are still a number of “Trump 2020” flags flying in my neighborhood.