Thought this might work best as a poll (my first, so bear with me)
From [Reuters](Beset by challenges at home, President Donald Trump on Friday embarked on the longest trip to Asia by an American president in more than a quarter century, looking for help to pressure North Korea to stand down from a nuclear crisis.): “Beset by challenges at home, President Donald Trump on Friday embarked on the longest trip to Asia by an American president in more than a quarter century, looking for help to pressure North Korea to stand down from a nuclear crisis.”
Y’all can have your dem fantasies of 2018 taking back both houses, a successful impeachment and Pelosi becoming President. Good luck with that and I truly wish you the best.
IMHO, Mr “Dealmaker” sees the writing on the wall, and based on his past negotiations, is doing the Asia tour to find a new home. I know that N Korea, China, Russia and Viet Nam do not have extradition treaties with the US. Scoff you might, especially since the Trumpster does seem to have a “thing” for Eastern European blondes. Not sure if the drapes match the carpet, and if they don’t, I have heard that a casual perusal of Asian Adult websites can check off a bottle blonde option as well as some of the other purported “requirements” that were highlighted in the Russian dossier.
Distraction is good, but I think it’s just his egoistic need to be on camera, in front of people in high places. It’s not about diplomacy, it’s about DONALD J TRUM*P.
(Anyone else remember Hyman Kaplan? But he, at least, was a nice guy.)
I said at dinner last night that Trump would do everyone a favor if he re-directed Air Force One to Vladivostok, and walked off the plane leaving his resignation behind. Even himself - he’s not having any fun presidenting.
I voted Other. He’s too self-absorbed to even think he might need asylum, and his “diplomacy” isn’t really diplomacy. He’s there for the attention and to strong-arm allies.
I saw pictures of protesters in Hawaii with “Welcome to Kenya” signs.
I chose “Other”. I see I am in the majority. Asylum would never occur to him (not much does) and he clearly has no use for diplomacy. So what other? Vacation, change of scene, maybe, bored with the White House, maybe scope out investment opportunities.