Got to admit, did not see that coming.
I’ll give the man credit when he deserves it. I think he’s doing the right thing here.
Oh, yeah, the Trump administration is a real strong backer of scientific research and exploration for the benefit of the nation. Only, not so much.
Agreed. The WH budget is a fucking crime against humanity.
On the bright side, congress has to approve it and they don’t seem like they would be in support of much of those cuts, especially the NIH. Or so I’ve read/heard.
This, on the other hand, is signed and sealed. I hope they got a bank certified check for the $19.5B before leaving the oval office.
His proposed cuts in the space and environmental budget appear to be straightforwardly doctrinaire in their transparent attempts to throttle climate research. Problem is, there’s no significant difference in the science program that gives you climate research data and the science program that gives you improved (or even just continues to give you adequate) weather forecasting.
Silencing Earth observation programs to stifle climate change research also means weather forecasters have less data for quality forecasts, and forecast misses cost lives and property.
Strikes me as a bad trade, really. And then funding deep-space manned exploration on top of it? WTF, Donald?
A short-sighted call based on what seems cool while gutting the nation’s much more relevant scientific programs with NASA, NOAA, NIH, etc?
I could have seen that coming.
Hey, he could have spent the money on that fucking wall.
No, he’s going to make Mexico pay for the wall. And on those same lines, I think we should make the Barsoomians to pay the several hundred billion dollars for a crewed mission to Mars. And if they don’t want to pay, Trump should pull out of IPTA and refuse to shake their appendiges when they come to Earth to visit.
The Interplanetary Trade Association?
Trump is down with the OPA.
He’s hoping the authorities on Mars won’t deport him.
Deep space doesn’t exist. It’s fake news that the Deep State is trying to trick you into believing.
That wall will be visible from Mars. This is just a way to prove that fact.
The skinny budget had a 1% cut to Nasa. This is a 1% increase. There’s a long history of Presidents clothing themselves in call to Mars, with the big funding increases still in future - ie mostly unfunded mandates.
A +/- 1% change is top level status quo. Even the earth science *(which the skinny budget called to eliminate) is funded through this year.
You don’t know what to expect from Trump, but this year it is status quo here, with the forthcoming years telling the tale.
Yep, right. I missed the appendages part earlier. Thanks.
I’m excited at the prospect of a manned mission to mars. I do think we need to try and get out beyond our little planet.
But I agree, when it comes at the expense of ignoring or exacerbating the immediate threats to earth’s environment, it’s hard to cheer.
The flashy aspect of it certainly explains Trumps lop-sided interest in science.
He probably figures this will give him bragging rights as the man who took America to Mars.
Such wins! Much Big!
Another explanation for his sudden interest in space exploration may be found in something I happened upon just the other day.
Apparently conspiracy loon and Trump buddy Alex Jones insists with great vehemency that humanity needs to get “off world”. (And a whole bunch of other shit not apparently relevant to this topic.)
TYT: Why Alex Jones Is SOOO SORRY About Pizzagate (Crazy rant at about the 4 min mark. Warning: Brain melting insanity and one of the most goddamn annoying voices imaginable.)
Good Lord. Someone stick that turd in a rocket please.
He’s practically volunteered himself as a guinea pig.
Meh. George H W Bush also announced a project to get us to Mars in 1989, as did the lesser Bush in 2004, as will Ivanka when Donny appoints her Supreme Chancellor of the Wasteland Formerly Known as the United States of America on his deathbed in 2043.
By ignoring global warming and the environment in general, we may be fleeing the earth for mars by 2033.
That used to be a stupid idea because we should be fleeing to someplace that is better than what we’ve got now, not worse, but considering Trump’s antienvironmental agenda, Mars is looking better and better every day.