Trump is going to start a war with North Korea

I really really hope I am wrong on this.

In my humble opinion Trump is going to start a war with N. Korea. And again, wow do I hope that I am wrong! There haven’t been 3 aircraft carriers in one place since the last time we started a war. The pentagon leadership has been warning the country for months that a war will be a terrible thing and they are just following orders. The anti-Trump forces in congress have tried to stop him and have failed. Corker is warning the world that Trump might start WW III and is retiring rather than be held responsible for what is going to happen.

I assume we will give the N. Koreans 24 hours to drop their missiles before we start bombing so that the forms will be followed, but Trump, in my opinion, has decided to start a war.

I don’t think he would be able to get a majority vote in either the house or senate for this action, so what will happen in sixty days? Will congress give up, as they always have, on the war powers act? Or will that be the way this ends? The country will support the troops, but not the war at the same level. Do you think there will be majority popular support for the war at any time?

You’re late to the game.

I rarely check great debates and missed the thread.
It is worded better than mine anyway.

You’re probably right. The Trump administration is losing what little support it had because of Trump’s failings as a President. And Trump appears to be the kind of person who would see a war as a good way to rally Americans behind him.

Forget North Korea, what about Niger? "But doing away with existing laws prematurely “could only signal to our enemies and our friends that we are backing away from this fight.”

Instead, the Trump administration is signalling that it is itching for a fight.