Trump-" "Require for every new federal regulation, two existing regulations must be eliminated."

Here’s my response, from the longer thread:

I might have been too cynical, I suppose. It’s possible to support this idea if you think there are “too many government regulations” which “hurt real Americans” in some ill-defined fashion, but you’re not a deep thinker or accustomed to facts. I’m sure a number of the people who are most on-board with this plan honestly believe that there’s a law against offending minorities, given that they can’t tell the jokes their parents told without getting dirty looks or a write-up from HR. It fits with the whole “President as King” belief apparently shared by the most ardent Trump supporters, in that both reflect a compete ignorance of what the Federal government is and how it works. It probably also correlates with the belief that “anti-racist is code for anti-white” and Affirmative Action means utterly unqualified minorities being hired instead of qualified white males.