Trump VS the covid 19 Coronavirus

Holy shit. This used to be a relatively thoughtful and sane board. Yes, Left leaning but still kinda sane. Compare this to numbers for H1N1 people. I don’t remember seeing Obama blamed for it. Criticized by some yes, but not this vitriol. Not blamed personally. And I really really no longer give a shit about either side. Been on both and learned they don’t care about you personally. Get off the high horse.

This is all on us. In general I mean. Media, whispers between “knowledgeable” friends, tendency to talk about it with people who share the same fears. STOP!

Holy shit on a shingle, there are currently 67 cases out of about 5 million people here, AND THE BARS IN WISCONSIN ARE CLOSED!

I repeat, in Wisconsin, known for our vast bar culture, they’re closed! If you made it this far, and especially if you hate Trump and want to just spew, please explain this.

Tony Evers, a Democrat, has banned any gathering of more than 10 people. Trump haters, justify this.

I work with a lot more than 10 people. I’m one of 17 skilled workers, we have I think 15 in office /administrative positions and the other 2 dozen or so are temps in operations. They come in from Milwaukee on a bus (nothing wrong with that, they’re making an honest living) but turnover is high. High enough that in a month you’ll see mostly new people.

I’d say in a month I encounter at least 100 people, every day, 9 hours a day. That apparently is fine. But I can’t go to my local watering hole where I’ve known almost everyone for a long time because the government wants to protect me. In a small town. Small corner bar. Social connection. Friends.

Fine, how about I invite 10 people over for darts and cribbage? Am I breaking the law gathering more than 10 people?

I can only imagine, BTW, how this will affect people in therapy encouraged to go out and socialize.

So yes, Trump is evil. Blame him for everything. The democrats are doing the same. Mass hysteria.

Carry on and wipe well. :roll_eyes:

Get off your “I want to show all that I did not read before replying” act.

From my last post:

Learn to accept that ignorance has been not only tolerated, but weaponized by the current administration.

Ignorance that even had a hand in the current lack of testing crisis.

Reposting from a now-locked thread:

None of the above requires hating Trump. That’s just a bonus :smiley:

The problem with bullshit is that eventually reality hits it. And then the bullshit splatters and leaves nothing but a mess.

And that’s what’s happening right now with Donald Trump’s presidency. It’s been built on a pile of bullshit and now we’re watching it turn into shitstains.

We’ve been saying this was going to happen for three years. We told you that Trump was incompetent and couldn’t handle the job. We said he’d collapse as soon as he faced a serious crisis. And that’s what we’re now seeing.

Don’t compare Obama to Trump. Obama did his job. He didn’t fold up like Trump is doing.

I love this country. And Donald Trump is hurting America.

If you supported Donald Trump at any point, the only thing you should be saying right now is that you were wrong and you are sorry.

You saw Covid 19 3 years ago? Ok. My industry is thriving under Trump. And I filled the tank today at under 2 bucks a gallon. YMMV

90 cases now according to the Johns Hopkins website.

Lock it down now boomer or your hospitals shut down in about a week.

Well, thanks for showing all that you do like to remain in ignorance. More than 3 years ago:


What’s likeliest to kill more than 10 million human beings in the next 20 years? It’s probably not what you’d think.

I imagine funeral homes and makers of headstones did real well out of the 1918 pandemic.

So you thrive from fear and misery? Yet you are saying all this is a bad thing…?

It is even sadder when one realizes that in Singapore, where they tested a lot, people are beginning to go out like before, because they know that the sick were promptly quarantined and helped properly.

With no testing then we do not know where the sick people are. So it leads to the solutions that guys like duffer hate to see now.

As even an old GI Joe cartoon advised, knowing is half the battle.

Trump did choose the advice of Cobra Commander… :slight_smile:

That is not what he said.

In December, before COVID19 AKA Captain Trumps, I was in the Robert Wood Johnson ER because of an asthma exacerbation (that’s a potentially life ending asthma attack).

RWJ is one of the three Level I Trauma Centers in New Jersey. I’ll assume you all know what a Level I Trauma Center is and how important keeping a L1’s patient population in check is.

I spent my entire visit in the ER sitting on a gurney . . . in the hallway. There were no available ER rooms because there were no empty beds in the hospital. But I’m sure RWJ will find a way to take care of a couple hundred extra patients should it come to that.

But, hey, there’s nothing we can do to stop this, duffer’s need to go to his favorite watering hole trumps (hehe) all!
I mean, don’t let my 56 asthmatic, immune system suppressed, diabetic ass stop you from getting your drink on.
Have an extra one for me, 'cause if I get Captain Trumps I’m probably dead.

CMC fnord!
BTW My pulmonologist called yesterday and postponed my next appointment because of this outbreak.

Just as there remain significant stretches of the country who stubbornly insist that the South was the nobler side of the Civil War and continue to wave its flag and sing its praises, there will remain devout Trumpers forever who will claim to their dying breaths that he always told it like it is. It’s like flat-earth beliefs - they have nothing to do with reality, just a childish attempt at saying “screw you” to the world as if that represented true independence.

No, unfortunately not rare in a person. I know a few. I’m thinking of one in particular who lost a child to social services, and had another, which she is currently “home-schooling” (yeah, right) despite several people calling CPS.

But yeah, rare in a high office.

Jimmy Carter is also one of the most decent people whoever lived-- the anti-Trump; but yeah, not a great president.

By helping to make hand sanitizer, perhaps…

And I don’t remember Obama saying that it was a hoax or that it would just magically go away by itself.

With the memory issues we’re both haivng, it’s a pity that the Master’s final words to us were “don’t believe those Prevagen commercials”.

Drawing those two groups in a Venn Diagram and all I see of late is just one circle.

This is the underlying reason for why so many Republicans and Trumpists (but I repeat myself) refuse to take the emergency seriously – they are the party of toddlers who refuse to eat their cauliflower because freedumb.

Hoover was a talented geologist, financier, and businessman. At the outset of the Great War, he was instrumental in the organization of the repatriation of U.S. citizens stranded in war zones. Later, he was an important figure in the shipping of tons of food to needy European civilians.

In 1922, the Belgian people thanked him by sending him an enormous, grotesque bronze statue of Isis. God knows why they thought that was appropriate; maybe it was just sitting around the government building and they wanted to get rid of it.

Anyway, he got it and you can still visit it today, if you find yourself in rural Iowa.

Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.