Trump's 'Bad Boy' Appeal

A number of the incidents in the movie were lifted from stories or exploits of other Depression-era gangsters. The bit where they give the young couple a ride (a very early Gene Wilder appearance) was actually from a John Dillinger story.

B&C were vicious and stupid, for the most part. A number of the others more or less did live up to the “modern highwayman/Robin Hood” sort of image.

“A bit harder”, eh? If the only problem with Trump was being anti-PC, maybe I’d buy that. But we both know that Trump is a lot more than that.

David Clarke would likely be in jail right now if he had Trump’s history.

I think you continue to under-estimate the capacity of the average American for greedy selfishness, short sighted stupidity and social bigotry - the antithesis of what they call “PC” values. Trump, to his credit, knew how to exploit this because he is the living embodiment of the anti-PC sentiments he espouses.

You’re actually using “political correctness” seriously? Or is it just a more “PC” way of saying many Trump fans were expressing their racism & xenophobia. Oh, misogyny, too!

The “Bad Boy” meme is popular with “Nice Guys.” There’s nothing wrong with being “nice”–but so many of those whiners are really anything but.

Although I knew some “Bad Boys” in my youth, I managed to avoid getting serious. In those days, they were mostly musicians with drug problems–and I wasn’t totally stupid. However, they did have some good features–good looks while they were young & often a bit of talent. Even when young, Trump resembled the classic douche–and the years have not been kind to him. And he’s never exhibited a smidge of talent or charm.

Find another distraction from your hero’s current disaster. (That “Deep State” one isn’t working, either.)

Try to consider the possibility that it’s not necessary to look at every Trump-related issue solely through the perspective of whether it’s pro-Trump or anti-Trump.

Or, if that’s beyond your abilities, at least consider that perhaps others are capable of it.