Trump's Supreme Court nominee?

So, uh, back on topic…

Today is the day she’s being confirmed, right?


So, I’d say that all you need to know about ACB’s character is that she’s willing to be appointed like this, after the GOP stole Obama’s placement.

She’s garbage. And that’s aside from the goofy cult, and the desire to force women to continue pregnancies against their will.

I don’t get why you’d say they “stole” his placement; as far as I can tell, it was never his placement to begin with.

You can make use of a guy’s car if he gives you his consent; heck, you can help yourself to the contents of his fridge, if he gives you his consent. It’s no different than how my kid gets to go on a field trip, if I give my consent — and how Obama would’ve gotten to make a placement, if he’d been given consent.

Where the heck does stealing come into it?

So much of the US government’s operation has relied on those in government to adhere to certain norms established over the centuries. Republicans have happily ditched those norms.

It was normal for the senate to have confirmation hearings within a few months when a president nominated a candidate to an open seat on the Supreme Court, which president Obama did with eight(ish) months left before the election. The senate chose to not have any confirmation hearings citing it was an election year and a president shouldn’t nominate someone in their final year. Then comes Coney Barrett with about 1.5 months before the election and that is apparently ok with her nomination barely a week before the election.

Hell, republicans swore to obstruct any Clinton nominee had she won…for four years.

When Kavanaugh was up for a vote the republicans triggered the nuclear option. Something they warned democrats not to do because it would be too big a breach of senate norms.

When Coney Barrett was in the Judiciary Committee senator Lindsey Graham swept aside quorum rules in order to have a vote.

Republicans aren’t even playing by the rules they themselves unilaterally set much less rules long held in the senate. Most people call changing the rules in the middle of a game cheating. Any gains they get is tantamount to stealing.

Technically, it was because Reid abolished it for lower-level judges in 2013. (Although that was because of McConnell obstructing things)

Lower level judges. Explicitly not supreme court nominees.

And willing to have the swearing-in take place at the White House. As if to say ‘yep, I’m Donald Trump’s Personal Associate Justice!’

A person of integrity would have asked that the swearing-in take place at the Supreme Court building itself (as happened with Kagan and Sotomayor, as well as many others).

Some recent Justices have been sworn in at the White House, too. But there’s no firm tradition of doing so–and again, a person of integrity, knowing the optics of this particular appointment, would have gone the Supreme Court building route.

But that’s not Barrett.

Do I agree with her opinions? No.
Do I think she is of good character? Maybe not.
Is she objectively qualified based on being an intelligent, respected legal scholar who will clearly consider cases thoroughly although likely being biased by her personal beliefs of what the Founders intended? Yes,
I don’t like her but she is qualified and I don’t like rejecting a judge on purely ideological grounds. If she had been nominated a year or two ago, I would have said that Trump had every right to appoint her.

The Federalist Society doesn’t pick judges because they are scholarly and thoughtful. They choose them for ideological reasons.

By your measure Merrick Garland could just have easily been a choice for Trump. He wasn’t and Coney Barrett is specifically because of ideology.

It matters now.

Oh, they definitely chose her because of ideology. I’m just saying that this fact doesn’t disqualify her. She is technically qualified to be on the Court. the Constitution says nothing about all Justices have to be middle of the road moderates. I’m just saying I don’t discount the fact that she is clearly respected as a legal scholar despite her actual views.

(Emphasis mine)

Judging from your spelling of “neighbors” you have no reason to worry that ACB can or will adjudicate away your health care, or any other laws your country has enacted relating to worker rights, the environment, voting rights, etc.

The constitution has no requirements at all for supreme court justices. You don’t even need any law training…at all.

The qualifications are whatever the president and senate want it to be and in this case it is her ideology.

Do she actually show up at a Trump campaign event right after being confirmed so that he could show her off to his invited friends?

This country is so screwed.

She showed up at a campaign event, thus confirming, if there was any doubt left, that she’s a highly dishonorable partisan hack.

Would that include this swearing in ceremony for a recent justice?

The ABA ruled that ACB was well qualified.

That’s not remotely a “recent justice”.

Fuck Romney’s faux piousness, and fuck Murkowski, and fuck Collins’ meaningless “No” vote to save her worthless hide in the coming election. And you know what else? I hope Biden packs the ever lovin’ fuck out of the supreme court.

They said the same thing about Merrick Garland.

Yes, but would he have worked to undo the last 50-80 years of progressive legislation?

I don’t think so.

That’s the only qualification that the Republicans are looking for.