Trying out for Super Millionaire?

Have you been trying out? The phone contest is open from 7 pm to 3 am EDT every day until May 18. 800-999-7878. You have to answer five questions that require you to enter the numbers 1-4 in a certain order. The questions get harder as you go along.

I was trying out regularly in the first couple of seasons. Many times I made it through the first phase, the phone contest, but never got any further.

So tonight I got through four questions and the fifth was:

Put the following books in the order they were written, starting with the most recent.

  1. Charlotte’s Web
  2. The Cat in the Hat
  3. Wind in the Willows
  4. Bambi

I entered 3412, and it was wrong. Damn. But I wasn’t even sure about what decade some of them were from, so I looked them up, and that is the correct order!

  1. WITW, 1908
  2. Bambi, 1926
  3. CW, 1952
  4. CITH, 1957


Then I looked back at my note: starting with the most recent.


So how are you doing?