Trying to find a science fiction book

This is embarrassing, because I’m 100% sure I own the book and that it’s on one of my bookcases of science fiction, but I’ve looked through the titles and can’t find it.

The book is at least 15, probably more like 20+ years old, and takes place on another planet. The main character was a woman, a noble of some sort. Her brother is a sexual sadist–there’s nothing real explicit but it’s very clear. He doesn’t abuse her, but the house staff, I think.

It’s not sword & sorcery; I think the tech is a bit advanced from now, but it’s not a tech story, either. And I cannot remember anything more about it! It’s one of those things that sort of floated into my head while looking for something else on the bookshelf, and now it’s irritating the **** out of me.


One of the Gor books maybe?

Definitely not. No swords that I remember, and I don’t do S&S.

Sounds a little like

That looks interesting, but I’m sure that’s not it, alas!