Trying to recover my old iTunes contents

Oh my bad. I thought you got them off the iPod with Copy/Trans and had them on your PC in a format you could not use on your PC. A codec wouldn’t really be needed until you have the files.

Did you purchase Copy/Trans? It’s listed on the official site as a pay app. Perhaps you have a trial version with stripped features? Their tutorial makes the process. seem quite easy.

Sorry I keep misreading your posts. I am adjusting to new glasses…poorly.

Thanks for pointing that out, but that’s a little weird. There is nothing on the splash page or the page with the huge Download button that says anything about paying, nor at any other time in the process, except now I see, scrolling way down on the page, a little thing that says “get activation codes.” I think I will write to their customer service and see how I am supposed to proceed.

Okay, weird again. This time, when I started the Copy/Trans program, it allowed me to choose a backup location as soon as it opened the iPod files, and then started copying the files, and then I reached the limits of the trial version and it asked me if I wanted to pay for it, so I did, and then it resumed copying. This is going to take hours at this rate, so I’m going to bed and leaving it running. Thanks again for your help, although I don’t understand why it worked this time and not the first two times I opened the program.

I’m back. It only took about 25 minutes after all. The songs are stored in M4A format, and Windows Media Player can play them. Each album is a subfolder with that album’s songs as files in that folder. So all I need to do is find a music player that can shuffle those songs randomly. MediaMonkey was mentioned above, maybe I’ll that first. eta: that program is overkill. Windows Media Player seems to work just fine. So, $6 for the cable, $20 for Copy/Trans, and a lot of help from folks here, and this project is done.

Great! So glad you finally got your files. What a relief!

Just remember to move them to the next computer you get, or look for a cloud backup solution, and you’ll be good to go.

Great idea. If it were me, right now I’d copy them to a USB thumb drive.

I have an external hard drive I can copy them to. Thanks for the reminder.