So, there’s nothing I can do to stop all my Biggirls from changing into Pink Slinkys?
The reason why I ask is that my hubby is supposed to be registering (he lurks now) and he is supposed to guess who is me by my posts only. Now that all my Biggirls have changed to Pink Slinky, well now it’s too easy.
The change happened so gradually. Why did it do that?
Anyways. . . Tuba Rules!!!
Pink Slinky says : “TubaDiva is the best moderator in all of moderatordom!”
Ahem. Are you quite sure about that? 
It’s just that I’ve been bugging her so much lately I figured I should show my appreciation.
But upon further reflection. . .
Manny has paid for my beer. Twice.
Hate to demote you Tuba. Will you still answer my question?
Please, O Great Administrator, do not let your venomous wrath fall upon the innocent head of Pink Slinky!
I am certain that Light Will Dawn presently.
{Furious elbowing to the ribs of **Pink Slinky, **accompanied by exaggerated eye winking and desperate gesturing toward the nearest TubaDiva post}
I see that Arnold is a moderator. But I haven’t been bombarding him with all kinds of questions and he has never bought me a beer. Anyway, what could Arnold do to me? I mean, it’s not like he as any power over me IRL, is it. Really, the way some people carry on. . . Hey… hey put me down… PUT ME DOWN!!!
I was about to say “the check’s in the mail” PS, but forget it now! 
Seriously, to answer your question, sig files are in a different part of the system than posts, so when you change your sig, it changes ALL your sigs. Including the old ones.
Same as with the names; change one, change all.
I’m truly sorry, sounds like we messed up a nice game for you.
your humble TubaDiva
The Straight Dope
Pink Slinky said the name changes were gradual. Was this an error in perception on her part, or was that how it happened?
Changes show up as old threads are opened.
And it’s quite possible (depending on your ISP) that when you open a page it’s an older version cached by the server. So you’d see the OLD information, but as soon as the page was refreshed you’d see the updated version.
your humble TubaDiva
Pink, I think what Ike was trying to say is that Tuba’s an Administrator… basically, a “Moderator Mark II”. I heard a rumor that the Straight Dope Central Research Commision will soon release the updated “Moderator Mark III”, which comes with advanced Trolldar, built in ASP (Anti-Sock Puppet) cannon, and a bigger, shinier red “Ban” button. According to the rumors, this “Moderator Mark III” will be called a “Zoogy-Boop”.
But until it comes out, Tubadiva’s state-of-the-art (and her fellow Admins, too). Guys like Arnold, however… well… they’ll think of SOMEthing to do when they go even more obsolete… 
Obsolete? Hah! This is just the first step in my plan to take over the whole Internet!
Pretty soon all of youse will come crawling to ME everytime you want to click a button.
TUBA is the only one who can push my ‘online buttons’. Walk carefully when even thinking of messing with her. Some of us old ‘dudes’ from land far, far away in a time long ago have made the jump to here and are watching out for our own. TUBA came to you young and fresh wafted on the solar winds of the electrons and for that you should be grateful.
“Sir and Ma’am” make no one bullet proof.
Guns is good.
Okay, TD, how do we apply to become Zoogy-Boops?
You’ll always be Zoogy-Boop in my heart.
your humble TubaDiva