TubaDiva: thread closure.

From this closed thread

I’m glad to see that you weren’t trying to stop the debate about moderator conduct, or you would have said that’s what you were doing.

I was told by a moderator to bring concerns about moderator conduct to this thread. I can understand you not wanting old threads rehashed here. But in this case tomndebb made various charges in the thread I was posting about. Large portions of that original thread are relevant to his conduct. In order to debate whether his conduct was inappropriate, we have to discuss who had the valid postion, who was making statements relevent to the op and who wasn’t, etc.

Basically, this:

Almost everything I posted was directly relevant to a charge tomndebb made that I was showing was in error. By closing down that debate, you essentially have to admit the conclusion of the above paragraph.

This will end well.

This is my favorite part: where Perry Mason bores the killer into confessing on the stand.

In real life Perry Mason would have his mouth duct taped by order of the judge halfway through most of his cases.

Just because you do not like the outcome of a situation, that does not entitle you to another bite at the apple.

It has been proven to everyone’s satisfaction but yours that your charges have no merit.

I’m closing this thread.