TubaDiva, what's going on in CCC?

To our most wonderful administrator, the grand exalted TubaDiva,

It seems that in CCC, alot of old columns are coming up with Dec 10 as the last post date, even though the actual last posts are in 1999.

I saw these and thought that the grand Perfect Master himself, Cecil Adams had responded to some posts, but, alas, they turned out to be old. What happened?

Zev Steinhardt

This should explain it. http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=50335 But, if ya don’t wanna click the link, we had a troll come through bumping old threads, we got rid of him by pushing the big shiny red “delete all posts by this user” button. While the posts (and poster) are gone, the “last post” index remains.

Thank you UncleBeer. I knew I could count on our fantastic, wonderful mods and admins to clear up this mystery for me.

Zev Steinhardt

No problem, man. Glad to help.

And here I was gonna ask exactly the same question, only you guys already beat me to it. Show offs.

Delete all posts by user? That’s a super-weapon of Bondian proportions!

Must read more carefully…at first I thought this said, "a weapon of Bodinian proportions!


Veb, don’t you mean Bodonian proportions? Lynn being our resident super-hero, and we don’t want to upset her, now do we?

FTR, TubaDiva is also a super-hero but somewhat less likely to smite you with fire and brimstone. I think.