How can I relieve the tedium of cooking this boring bird next week?
I thought maybe I’d dig a hole in the yard & line with smooth stones, add burning wood for several hours, rake out the ashes and replace with turkey wrapped in taro leaves & with pineapple stuffed in its cloaca, and cover with stones until the next day.
For me, noting says Thanksgiving like Enchiladas. Try making turkey enchiladas. Warning: this idea just occured to me and I have no recipe and accept no responsibility for the outcome
I vote for deep-frying. They sell a kit with a huge pot, a rack to lower the bird in, and usually some thick gloves. Deep-fried turkey, if you do it correctly, is not greasy, and the meat is juicy and delicious. And it takes hardly any time (3-3.5 minutes per pound) at all! Good eats all around.
I have to agree with frying the bird. Best Turkey Ever. However, be very careful, as the risk of fire is high. Definitely to be done outside in open area.
Angie & I have been invited over to have dinner with a friend. Next year, if the weather’s nice enough, I’m going to pester Angie to let me use our smoker. That’s a huge “if” though.