Turning off parked car's lights: legal?

Hey Dopers, hope this one hasn’t already been asked. I tried search on GQ and GD but couldn’t find anything.

Does anyone know if it’s legal to open the door of a parked car and turn off its headlights? I’m interested in either the technicalities of the law (if you can cite actual statues, that’d be great) or in actual cases where someone was prosecuted for doing so.

Before we start, to forestall a couple of obvious points:

Yes, I know this would be illegal if this was someone’s house instead of their car.

Yes, I know that even if it’s technically illegal, the chances of someone actually being prosecuted are so miniscule as to be nearly zero.

Yes, I know that the laws probably vary from region to region.
Now… anyone?

I couldn’t find anything on the web on a quick search. Interesting question. I wouldn’t do it.

I did once jump into an empty car in my bank’s parking lot because the driver left it in neutral with the brake off, & it was rolling slowly towards the building, and I can’t imagine being prosecuted for doing so. Of course in that case the possible consequences were a bit more severe than a dead battery…perhaps that could be a key point?

Sorry, I didn’t answer your question, just added a new twist!

Just a WAG, but that COULD constitute trespassing.