Turtle in the road

That would be The Great Om:slight_smile:

For me it was

There’s a turtle in the road
His brain is squirmin’ like a toad…

Saw one walking across the parking lot at work once. Swerved to avoid it, pulled over, and went to take it to the pond (which I figured was the only place it COULD really be from, yanno?) that was in front of our building. As I pulled over, someone else ran over it. Cracked its shell, mangled it badly.

So, instead of taking it to the pond, I ended up taking my sword out from my trunk and finishing the job. :frowning:

When I first started working out here, one of the first mandatory training sessions I had to attend was for the Desert Tortoise (which are, or were, endangered or threatened). We were taught:

If you should meet the turtle on the road, kill him.

</turtle buddha>

A few years ago I was on a business trip in Iowa City, and was sitting at a light at an intersection just off the interstate near a truck stop, when I noticed something moving across the road and realized it was a turtle. Next thing I know, a huge semi comes turning through the intersection headed straight for the turtle. I swear to og I had no idea turtles could move that fast – that thing was hauling ass to get out of the way! And yes, it did make it across without getting squooshed.

“I put the turtle down hours ago. Why are you still carrying it?”

Or possibly Great A’Tuin (although it’s not clear whether he is actually a diety).

Uh, heh, and oh dear, that one’s gonna have a frightening long life now in my brainpan as I see turtles tryin’ to cross…

The basic answer has been told, especially by CannyDan, but, I was raised to help turtles cross the road. Good childhood memories of biologist Dad skidding the VW camper full of kids to a halt, and running out to help a turtle cross, putting it on the other side, to continue it’s desired journey. I always do that if it’s not a dangerous roadway.

A sweet memory is on a country road in Mississippi, an old pickup truck, parked on the side of the road. A very elderly guy in overalls was out in the road, picking up a box turtle to help it across, moving slow. It was so sweet because he took the time, and those box turtles can live 40-50 years, sometimes to 100 years.

In that light, if a turtle is hit by a car, it’s amazing how much repair can be done now by a good wildlife veterinarian. The shell can be mended using modern orthodontic braces, and wires tightened to get the shell to heal. It takes a long time, but, if you do find a turtle with a damaged shell, and have a good wildlife shelter in the area, the turtle can be saved. Our local wildlife shelter is astute about returning the turtle to it’s original habitat after treatment.