The Jaguar commercial with that gal singing “revollllllllving” shoots my adrenalin sky high. I know before you tell me: “then turn the TV off” Nonetheless do my fellow members have any ads that did the same to you?
The ad that was on the TV a few seconds ago: the goddamn Cambridge Soundworks ad where the guy listens to the music rather than watch the girl with the unbuttoned blouse. As my sister said, “Go buy your own stereo!”
As I mentioned in another thread with the same topic a while back, I think this is a local phenomenon (I could be wrong, though), but anything including Paul from the Diamond Center instantly qualifies for the Worst Commercial Of All Time Contest.
“You couldn’t fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine.”
Those new Gap ads. “Ice, Ice, baby” my ass.
The car commercial where the car is in front of a nightclub with a long line, and you hear the music thumping, supposedly in the club. Then the door opens, and the music is in the car, and one person from every racial background gets out and walks right in the club, VIP style.
Actually, stevie the folks exit the car and leave the area. They do not enter the club.
The a few more people are escorted from the line of nightclubbers to the car.
Ya see? They’re waiting in line to get into the car, not the club!!!
That Sony Vega commercial talking about the end of TV as we know it. The strangeness of the people and the painful musical riff are enough to keep me from buying that product (waiting 2 years for even better technology might have a hand in that also.)
Well, shut my mouth. It’s also illegal to put squirrels down your pants for the purposes of gambling.
Chiefscott, thanks for the info. Damn, I feel stupid.
I still don’t like the commercial (or the car).
This isn’t a commercial, but I have to hit “mute” at the beginning of Masterpiece Theater, when that top-hatted jerk climbs the ladder humming the M.P. theme song, to show us that it’s “brought to you by Mobil Oil Corporation.”
I don’t know why, but that big humming jerk just irritates the hell out of me.
The “Drop the Chalupa” ads.
Everybody got to elevate from the norm - Rush
Anything with Matthew Lesko. You know, the jerk in the suit with question marks all over it who screams about how you can learn to get money from the government by reading his books. I would be willing to pay the government a little extra on my taxes if they would kill him publicly.
I also hate the Stove Top Oven Classics (I think that’s what they’re called) commercials. These are the commercials with the two pissed-off old ladies who despise Oven Classics because they are too convenient. Personally, they act like their Depends undergarments are cinched up too tight.
I could go on, but I grow weary…
Two words: Old Navy.
I get a perverse kick out of the Old Navy ads. Ever do PCP? It was like that. Very strange, nonsensical, creepy, even scary, but amusing in a sick way.
Sorry, but I genuinely like the GAP ads, although the “ice” one is indeed weak.
Be assured that I would never, ever buy any product from either company.
I detest the “got milk?” ads. Somehow I can’t connect milk with armchair sadism.
No, never done PCP. And saying it’s like an Old Navy ad is no incentive. Thanks! [tongue deep in cheek] Now I know what to tell my kids when they ask about drugs.[/tongue deep in cheek]
I was certainly not advocating the use of PCP…nor the watching of Old Navy ads!
Probably equally damaging to the psyche.
I know, TennHippie. You just set that one up soooooo well!
And although they used to be cute, the Taco Bell dog ads now make me want to poke my eyes out with sharp sticks.
Does anyone remember that Shake 'N Bake commercial, with those twin girls, saying “and we helped!” but it sounded like “and weee hayelpd!” AIEEEEEEEE!!!
Oh, God! What a classic commercial! I just remember the one girl(this was in the late 60’s)saying “And I hay-yulped.” Jesus, I still cringe just thinking of it.
The Taco Bell dog? Yeah. It was cute for a while. He should have been assassinated
during his “Viva Gorditas” regime.
Cristi, I only remember the Shake 'n Bake commercial with the family in which all three people–the parents and the little girl–speak in a nearly incomprehensible Southern drawl, and the mother is built like a brick–well, you get the idea. I miss that commercial.
“If you drive an automobile, please drive carefully–because I walk in my sleep.”–Victor Borge
I used to despise the C-net commercials where they have those smiling zombie-looking people standing around with different things written on their t-shirts, and the nice bimbo lady with the C-net t-shirt steers the “looking for the right computer” guy away from the “overpriced computer” guy and matches him up with the “right computer for you” guy.
But it’s grown on me over the last month. (I think I need to turn off the TV and get out a little more often.)
There’s this car commercial that with a bunch of young hap’nin’ folk where they pull into a parking spot that’s too tight to open the doors. The music stops long enough for the oh-so-trendy driver to go “Hmmm” and pop the hatch so they can all clamber out the back and go ride skateboards or get things pierced (haha). The thing that seriously disturbs me about this commercial is that the music is an instrumental portion of “It’s Alright” by the Pet Shop Boys. The first time I saw the commercial I’d SWEAR it was for a Honda and the commercial ended before you heard any lyrics, thus making you question your hearing. The second time I saw the commercial it was for a FORD and at the ending “money shot” of the car you hear Neil warble "I think it’s gonna be alright…
Even further disturbing is that they would let their song be associated with such a horrible Gremlin/Paceresque item. Blech! Maybe they’re hoping the song will be the next “Da, da, da” or something. Hmmm. Good song though.
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the chained helmets,
which directly faced each
other on their platforms,
seemed increasingly angry
and agitated in the
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