TV debate...

…So my sister-in-law calls me (the trivia/useless info champion of the southern Indiana area), and tells me of a debate she and my mother are having. My mother claims that Lucy and Desi were the first couple ever shown in bed together on TV. My sister-in-law claims it was The Munsters (of all shows). I told them both that Ozzie and Harriet were the first couple to share a bed on television. My mother deferred to my judgement. My sister-in-law, who normally does, won’t. She’s convinced that The Munsters were pictured in bed together first. My question is this: Was there ever an episode of “The Munsters” that showed Lily and Herman in bed that might have aired before Ozzie and Harriet broke that barrier, or am I wrong on this one?

According to this page at Snopes, the first couple was Johnny and Mary Kay Stearns.