TV ratings, bestselling books

I’m assembling some information for a trivia game, and after some googling, I have been unable to locate either:

(a) the final cumulative Nielsen ratings for the most recently complete TV season (2003-2004)


(b) any website which has cumulative book bestseller lists (ie, bestsellers of 2004, 2003, 1990’s, 20th century, etc.)
Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Not precisely what you want, but the very new and very excellent Online Book Group has lots of lists that you may find useful.

It’s also a good site for Dopers in general to check out.

The reference desk at your local public library probably has all this stuff on file.

Try this, found on a Google search of “bestselling books 20th century”.

See their website at

But I think to get that info you will have to pay for it. That’s how they make their money, after all.