TV shows that lived past their expiration date

I loved that episode! Then, there was the one where Gilligan screwed up their communications device, and the one where the Skipper beat up Gilligan…

Hmmm…there was definitely something funny going on there.


I agree with the X-Files, and stopped watching at some point in season 5. However, I did pick it up again in the last month or two and I have to say that the Brady inspired episode had a nice throw back feel to it. Of course the last episode sucked mightily.

Howling in the wilderness, my friend. Howling in the wilderness.

Waitaminute. [A minute passed. Then another. Then, another minute passed. This was followed by another minute. Then, a minute which seemed to last an hour but was really only a minute . . . passed.]

I don’t see anywhere where I agreed with someone who was called insane. Or does it mean I’m insane because I don’t remember being called insane? Or is using complete non-sequiters a sign of being insane? The penguin on your telly will now explode.

It was to have been revealed in the final episode that The Professor was, in fact, Dr. Josef Mengele and was sabotaging their “rescue” all along. Unfortunately the writer changed it to a show about a guy in a gorilla suit just before press time.