TV trivia challenge: name the show from the minor character

Kevin Riley.


He was the sometime-seen landlord on The Young Ones (played by Alexei Sayle, and an excuse for him to do stand-up, it seems).

I hope you’re not confusing this with Scum of the Earth.

Buck Rogers, with my first female crush, Wilma Deering.

Here’s an oldie:

Molly Turgis

James Caldwell, Jeff Bennett and Zena Sherman

Catering Officer Olaf Petersen

Isn’t that the band that Vanessa Huxtable travelled out of state to see, against her mother’s wishes? I’d never seen Claire Huxtable so angry!

Greedy Gretchen is a never-seen sexpot on Three’s Company.


Not sure about that, but it’s the fictional band from WKRP. (Played by the real band Detective)

One of Lister’s drinking buddies from the minning ship Red Dwarf.

What the hell were they supposed to be minning in space, anyway?

My contribution


He has a last name, but it would be too big a clue. This statement is probably also too big a clue.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I googled “Dregs of Humanity”. I feel so much better now that I know. Good one! Since I cheated, I won’t give the answer. :slight_smile:

Yep. I always pictured her as a voluptuous redhead with huge curly hair and a tight purple sweaterdress.

  1. Norman Borden the Mormon Doorman

  2. Slup & Blurp

  3. Mrs. Beasley

  4. Buddy Hinton

  5. Jenny Piccolo

  6. Boner

Would his last name be ‘Cunningham’? And would he be the older brother of Richie from “Happy Days” who inexplicably disappeared after the first season?

And I’m reposting my last few unanswered mentions, lest they get buried & forgotten:

Mike Yates

John Benton

Lytton (no first name given)

Sabalom Glitz

The Bob Newhart Show (and if I remember correctly, he didn’t actually exist.)

I think I remember Mrs. Beasley being the name of Cindy’s doll on the Brady Bunch.
Buddy Hinton was the bully who was teasing Cindy about her lisp.
Jenny Piccolo was Joanie’s best friend from Happy Days.

Jenny Piccolo: She was on Happy Days but I can’t remember if she was Richie or Joanie’s friend.

Boner: Mike Seaver’s friend from Growing Pains. (I can’t believe I know that)

Mine still unanswered:
Molly Turgis

New one from me:

I forgot to throw another one into the ring,

How about-


Characters from the original Doctor Who - Captain Mike Yates and Sergeant Benton (most of the time; he first appeared as a Corporal and later became a Warrant Officer); Lytton is the mercenary commander from “Resurrection of the Daleks” and “Attack of the Cybermen”; Sabalom Glitz, interstellar con-man, appeared in “The Trial of a Time Lord” and “Dragonfire” (in which he did fans everywhere the inestimable service of taking Mel away with him.)

In a not dissimilar vein:

Tanya Alexander

Nina Barry

Lieutenant Ninety


No, Mrs. Beasley was the doll on Family Affair, Cindy’s doll was Kitty Carryall.

Dear lord, why do I know this?

Thanks for reminding me, I remembered the doll, but not whose it was.

Arg! It’s on the tip of my tongue. I want to say Cosby (for some reason I hear it in Theo’s voice??) or A Different World ??
The Whitey I was thinking of was Lilith’s deceased lab rat on Cheers. :slight_smile:

He’s from The Cosby Show.