I was playing with the kids with a unit conversion program on the iPad called MultiConvert and we were just doing gallons to quarts and all that. Multiconvert said that there was a unit of measurement know as potties and there were two potties in a US gallon.
Obviously the kids found this almost as funny as if there was a unit of measurement known as underpants or bottoms. I googled around to check that it was correct, but could find no references to potties as a unit of measurement. So I turn to you, masters of the arcane and pointless trivia and possessors of epic google skills, is there a UOM known as potties or is the Multiconvert app just wrong?
Also apparently there are 77286 barn-megaparsecs in a US Hogshead, which will be helpful if JJ Abrams or whoever needs a unit for the amount of smuggled Gulcutchian Medieval meed Han Solo had to dump.
If your kids are disappointed that there isn’t a unit called a “pottie”, you can always amuse them with the fact that a butt = 126 gallons (2 hogsheads). Or that an English butt is bigger than an American butt, and a Spanish butt is even bigger …
Also (I think I learned here) that a lightnanosecond is about a foot. In the oil drilling industry ( at least here in the US) we measure hole depth in feet, i have been unsuccessful in getting them to switch to light nanoseconds which is far cooler sounding.