Two prisoners escape using tactis similar to Escape from Alcatraz. I predict a movie very soon.

Richard Matt fled the country once before. He went to Mexico and stayed there for ten years after killing somebody here in New York.

Is it just me or does that note look like it was professionally printed? It doesn’t look like something that they made freehand.

One of them must have smuggled a computer in up his bum. Maybe that’ll make it into the mythos.

Little Nemo and others that worked in prisons can comment better. I’ve read comments from celebrities that served sentences that the noise inside the cell blocks is deafening. Pack several hundred talkative and uncooperative felons into hard wall cells just in that one cell block. Add in a few mentally disturbed folks that are screeching and wailing because… they are mentally unbalanced. There’s no carpeting or acoustic tile to muffle the noise. It’s got to be loud.

I wonder how much it quiets down at night? That’s when these men were sawing steel.

It’s only 20 miles to Canada, and you can walk right through the woods across the border.

A female employee has “been removed from her post” and taken in for questioning.

More details. The two men worked in the prison tailor shop sewing Metro-North uniforms. A lady who works as an industrial training supervisor in the tailoring department is being questioned.

Were they using battery powered tools, or did they drag a long extension cord behind them? Neither seems very practical for the amount of cutting they had to do.

Hand hacksaws to cut through the cell wall. Which explains why the sawing wasn’t heard. They used power tools in the service tunnels. They seemed to have everything needed, extension cords, power tools, screwdrivers & wire cutters for the electrical work etc.

Wow, hacksaws through 3/8 inch steel plate all the way around a man-sized air vent. That must have taken forever.

Maybe it’s a picture of their accomplice?

It’s a good thing this happens only at Clinton and nowhere else. :eek:

Wouldn’t that just be swell. :cool:

I wonder why people always fear coming into contact with escaped prisoners. I think it would be kind of cool. With the right amount of money, you can probably get them to do anything you want. They are powerless in their position. Also, interviewing escaped criminals would make a great article to pitch to Vice Magazine.

Right up until they kill you and take your money and car, sure, they’re kinda powerless.

This has to be a whoosh right?

He shot the deputy but he did’nt shot the sheriff.
Anyway I’m sure they are both really innocent, like the rest of the inmates in [del]Shawshank[/del] Clinton, their lawyers fucked them.

Stick it to the man, indeed. Dude got thrown in prison for life cuz some John Q Law illegally confiscated his bullets with his body.

Someone facing life in prison (without parole) is the most dangerous kind of person, there is really nothing to lose, and killing you isn’t going to make a difference in their sentence.

Exactly. You have seen them, and know where they are.

That piece of shit who shot up Chardon High School in 2012 escaped from prison in 2014. They closed the school had to have extra counseling for the kids that day. The mother of one of the victims was pretty upset.

The shooter is an absolute psychopath and was at large in northwestern Ohio for a short while after he escaped. But hey, gotta admire sticking it to the man!

Dude has to spend 23 hours a day in a tiny cell now, so at least there’s that. I’m sure ace would point this out as a happy ending.